Example sentences of "[noun sg] be called for " in BNC.

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1 And where proven strength and reliability are called for , clay drainage is its own guarantee .
2 Demonstration were called for March 9 in Belgrade by opposition groups led by Vuk Draskovic , the chairman of the Serbian Renaissance Movement which opposed Milosevic 's confrontational policies toward non-communist organisations .
3 If the plot falls outside either limit readjustment is called for .
4 If the plot falls outside either limit readjustment is called for .
5 Discernment is called for at at least seven levels before seriously trying to evaluate whether a belief is true or not .
6 ii ) Modified re-buy decisions : relate to purchase situations in which some kind of review is called for .
7 The point has now been reached where radical action is called for in order to salvage GATT .
8 If more drastic action is called for , some alternatives are outlined on page 115 .
9 ( d ) Action on receipt of replies First peruse each reply carefully , consider its significance ; and if the reply is benign , pass on to the next , but before you do , tick the answer in the margin , or if it calls for clarification or action , put a cross in the margin , so that when you have considered every reply , you can go over them all comprehensively , and take whatever action is called for .
10 Such tough action 's called for because while Ruddy Duck numbers world wide are enormous White-headed ducks are seriously threatened .
11 So a little lateral thinking was called for .
12 Alarm bells rang ; some quick thinking was called for .
13 Clearly more research was called for .
14 The 1801 Act of Union merged Ireland with Britain , but in the 1870s-80s Home Rule was called for .
15 Action was called for in matters both of housing quality and quantity , and of distribution according to need .
16 My grandmother was taken ill with a burst ulcer and an ambulance was called for her at 10.45 , but it did not arrive for two and a half hours .
17 Insight , involvement and reflection are called for , not learning as such .
18 An increase of the Fixed Satellite Service band is proposed between 3.5GHz and 3.6GHz while flexibility is called for in the existing bands for Fixed Satellite Service and the Broadcasting Satellite Service , particularly between 11GHz and 12GHz .
19 Any distance up to about a kilometre from the dwelling is of such little moment for any specialised systems of irrigation and garden farming that little adjustment is called for in either the pattern of settlement or of land use .
20 A trial scheme to test the viability of the proposal was called for at last weekend 's Bar conference .
21 His help was called for in purely local matters , such as the corporation 's attempts to clear fishgarths from the Ouse , but he also pressed the city 's claims at court , and in 1476 was credited with the preservation of York 's liberties by his great labour to the king .
22 His help was called for in purely local matters , such as the corporation 's attempts to clear fishgarths from the Ouse , but he also pressed the city 's claims at court , and in 1476 was credited with the preservation of York 's liberties by his great labour to the king .
23 The New Zealand openers , veteran John Wright and debutant Blair Hartland , who was appearing on his home ground , were glad to face just 14 balls before a halt was called for the day .
24 Taliesin murmured something that sounded like , ‘ All the riches of the world we shall lay at thy feet , ’ and Fribble , who felt that a note of practicality was called for , said , ‘ Be assured that we can pay your fee , ’ and Calatin looked pleased .
25 In general , the baby 's wishes had tended in the past to be suspect , and the mother had been expected to look for some non-permissible motive behind them , in the form either of dangerous ( probably erotic ) impulses or of a rebellious determination to dominate the mother-in either case , constant control of the child was called for , and only the baby who had submitted himself completely to the mother 's control could be called a good baby .
26 New strategies for regional distribution were called for , and a fresh interest in the regions was shown by Whitehall .
27 So , Special Commissions of the Conference were called for this purpose in 1978 and 1985 .
28 If the exception is genuine but arises only because Ruritania is a small state whose affairs are heavily influenced by some powerful neighbour , then a larger amendment is called for .
29 On the other hand , it will be argued that the large number of arrests points to a malaise of such dimensions that it can not completely be dealt with by a police investigation and that a wider inquiry is called for .
30 I like Marshalls in the studio if a heavy sound is called for , but I find they vary quite a lot .
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