Example sentences of "[noun sg] rely on the " in BNC.

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1 That Parliament relied on the Ministerial statements is shown by the fact that the matter was never raised again after the discussions in Committee , that amendments were consequentially withdrawn and that no relevant amendment was made which could affect the correctness of the minister 's statement .
2 Core 's defence relied on the claim that the materials were for artistic purposes , a defence recognised in British law .
3 In a ‘ thank-you ’ letter , Finance Administrator Roy Butt said the Hospice relied on the public sector for funding and it appreciated the Centre 's and support .
4 The Employment Appeal Tribunal decision confirms that late applications can be allowed in notwithstanding the fact that the Applicant relied on the advice of a solicitor .
5 Black Sun Ensemble rely on the kind of guitar sound that floats almost too closely into jazz fusion territory .
6 Like the psychologist J.J. Gibson , Ullman attempts to show that many perceptual features can be recognized by relatively low-level psychophysiological mechanisms , whose functioning relies on the information available in the ambient light rather than on high-level concepts or cerebral schemata ( Gibson 1950 , 1966 , 1979 ) .
7 ‘ Where a defendant in a civil action relies on the doctrine against self-incrimination and insists on remaining silent and on concealing documents and other evidence relevant to the action , he is relying on his own wrongdoing or on his own apparent or possible wrongdoing to hamper the plaintiff in proof of his just claims in the suit .
8 The intensity enhancement relies on the electronic transition being allowed by symmetry , so the vibrations whose intensities are enhanced are almost always totally symmetric ( Section 5.7 ) .
9 The derivation of a no-arbitrage condition relies on the use of the capital market to move the cash flows arising from the arbitrage transaction through time so that they are non-zero in all time periods , and positive at least once .
10 The rural district council relied on the assumption of responsibility by the corporation in 1945 , while the corporation denied responsibility for the former rural district families and claimed that the 1956 Housing Act had made the rural district council responsible for all the families in the camp .
11 The trial judge relied on the causation test in McGhee v NCB ( 1973 ) .
12 Equally , anti-realism as a response to the sceptic relies on the view that we can not understand propositions whose meaning is such that they express ( or purport to express ) evidence-transcendent facts .
13 Throughout the United States of America , this method of compensation relies on the victim bringing a civil action against the perpetrator and obtaining an order for damages which can then be recovered from the confiscated funds .
14 This skill relies on the human ability to consider information and constraints from a variety of knowledge sources to arrive at a ’ solution ’ to the ’ problem ’ of making a plausible interpretation of some arbitrary handwriting marks on a page .
15 The test relies on the capacity of the kidney to retain H + during gastric acid secretion , leading to a postprandial urine ‘ alkaline tide ’ .
16 His plan relies on the simple expedient of envy : the ‘ blockish ’ Ajax will meet the challenge laid down by Hector , and this will ‘ physic the great Myrmidon Who broils in loud applause ’ .
17 On the other hand , the first type relies on the information provided by the second which polishes , refines and leads to a redefinition of the problem .
18 The improvements that had taken place relied on the voluntary efforts of enthusiasts or political clout expended on particular initiatives .
19 The theme is redemption through battle and Aldrich 's raw , violent , magnificently acted movie shows how war relied on the worst instincts in men to achieve the best results .
20 This point emerged in a 1986 case in which the High Court accepted that a person seeking a job relies on the accuracy of a reference about his character and capabilities even if he does not actually ask for it himself .
21 Your accountant relies on the information and explanations which you make available .
22 The courts may allow the plaintiff to rely on the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur .
23 Although Nourse LJ does not categorically state what the law is in this situation , his decision indicates and points towards the view that the defendants may be able to escape the restrictions of the sale agreement where it would be inequitable to allow the plaintiff to rely on the strict wording .
24 It is often unwise of the plaintiff to rely on the defendant sued obtaining an indemnity from a third party if the plaintiff could bring the third party in as a second defendant , eg in road accident cases .
25 With the emphasis switching to control over production , to quality , and to quite massive and well-orchestrated publicity campaigns there was less need to rely on the shock value of a new kind of film .
26 I think not : in Case 145/88 the court had no need to rely on the criterion of proportionality — any more than it does in these cases — since it was immediately apparent , as it is now in these proceedings , that the obstacles created by the national legislation in question certainly were not , and are not , of such a kind as to compel the member state to dispense with a measure necessary for the attainment of a justified objective .
27 The need to rely on the local aristocracy — common to all rulers — was accentuated by the fact that often the pope was chosen from among their number .
28 A further point is that there is no need to rely on the right unless the decompilation is carried out to a substantial part of the original program ( there is no infringement to excuse otherwise ) .
29 Foresters of fee who held no land of the king relied on the dues they exacted from the forest inhabitants as their recompense for guarding vert and venison : the temptation to extortion was great .
30 For example , Realism relies on the concept of national interest .
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