Example sentences of "[noun sg] announce the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THIS week the English Tourist Board announced the winners in a new competition intended to restore a sense of pride to our tourist centres , and tempt back visitors from abroad .
2 On Jan. 16 the Central Commission on the Population and House Census announced the continuation of the census in areas where it had not been completed by Jan. 14 .
3 In addition to the reconciliation during 1988 of members of the Forces populaires revolutionnaires tchadiennes , the Forces armees populaires , the Frolinat originel and the Forces armees occidentales , Goukouni Guet of the Forces armees populaires announced on May 1 , 1989 , in Lagos , Nigeria , that he would return to Ndjamena ; and Abdoulgassin Gamar of the Premiere armee volcan announced the dissolution of that group in August 1989 ( see p. 36519 ) .
4 Richard Mavro-Michaelis of Lucas Aerospace announced the plans at a gathering of teachers at Farnborough .
5 It was the same that Gateway announced job cuts of 2,000 , that Ford announced job cuts of 2,100 ( plus a trading loss of more than £500m ) , and that British Aerospace announced the loss of 2,350 jobs .
6 On May 17 the Soviet Foreign Ministry announced the suspension of unilateral Soviet troop withdrawals from East Germany ( first announced in 1988 — see p. 36440 ) .
7 Sony Corp and NEC Corp announced the launch of a new hardware vendors group to promote the use of the Open Computing Environment for MIPS platform established by the two companies back in May ( UX No 385 ) .
8 SAC announced a requirement for some 250 B-70s , but on August 10 , 1959 the Air Force announced the cancellation of the highly expensive boron fuel , which in turn brought about the demise of the GE YJ93-5 engine .
9 The DUC announced the PERG study at the VEC seminar .
10 Virginia was beginning to think they were both going to collapse in a heap , when the spit of tyres on gravel announced the arrival of Guy 's Aston Martin , skidding to an abrupt halt as he saw their plight .
11 The same sort of thing is true of ( 17 ) — ( 20 ) below : ( 17 ) By 1853 , the new partnership announced the precision vernier calliper as the first fruit of their joint efforts .
12 All political parties were banned until mid-1987 , when the President announced the formation of a single " party of government " .
13 All political parties were banned until mid-1987 , when the President announced the formation of the Equatorial Guinea Democratic Party ( PDGE ) as the " party of government " .
14 Following crisis meetings with opposition leaders on Sept. 28-29 , the President announced the lifting of a curfew in force since Sept. 25 , and said that the national conference , which had been again been suspended on Sept. 17 , would reconvene on Oct. 1 .
15 It was a month before the President announced the news .
16 Sir Jack Hayward who is also the club 's president announced the reward just before flying to the Bahamas .
17 The President announced the winners of the George Wood Cup as Western Division and presented it to .
18 Between the study and the library was the small spiral staircase which led directly to the Emperor 's apartments , a staircase she was to climb on 3 September 1870 , clutching in her hand the telegram announcing the capitulation at Sedan and crying out in grief at the horror of it .
19 He seemed to think that his success played some part in the invitation to go there to study , but Dulcie Howes 's account , already quoted , of her discussions with Herbert Cranko does not bear that out , and anyway people connected with the Ballet Club had forgotten all about John 's having danced with them so early , and denied Hanns 's account of it until Lionel Luyt , going through old scrapbooks , found a slip in the programme announcing the change of cast .
20 Ah , the old days , when he first came over — his reverie was cut short by the boom of the gong announcing the elevation of the host .
21 Largely because of his representations , it was a pleasure to announce the resignalling of that line recently .
22 The International Marketing Institute ( IMI ) at Boston College announces the dates for its 31st annual Marketing Management Program ( MMP ) entitled Marketing Management for Global Competitiveness .
23 He watched impassively , occasionally drawing on his cigarette , until a dull roar and sudden flare announced the explosion of the fuel tank .
24 That was certainly the case in 1990 when the Chancellor announced the introduction of TESSAs — Tax Exempt Special Savings Accounts .
25 Which angel announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds ?
26 A commotion outside the window announced the arrival of the van with the dogs and their handlers .
27 The special session announced the creation of working groups to overhaul mass organizations and to strengthen participation in the municipal and provincial people 's power system of government ; and it proposed the National Assembly of People 's Power be upgraded to play a more dynamic role in assessing government performance .
28 On Nov. 30 the UN Security Council announced the imposition of trade sanctions from Dec. 31 , 1992 , on Cambodian regions controlled by the Khmers Rouges .
29 Durham County Council announced the closures last month claiming there were 317 vacancies — the equivalent of eight full homes .
30 Sun — which admits its latest strategy is similar to the route trodden by MIPS Computer Systems Inc that now has half a dozen semiconductor companies selling its R series RISC designs — says it is just awaiting clearance to announce the names of several firms that have agreed to take on the Sparc .
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