Example sentences of "[noun sg] outside the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although he says that he intends to keep an open mind , Montagnier has criticized the government in the past for not supporting more research outside the mainstream and for not paying more attention to Africa .
2 The pedagogic relevance of research outside the classroom can only be realized by research inside the classroom .
3 I think it is convenient , and not too misleading , to conceive of research outside the classroom , both of the soft speculative and the hard empirical varieties , as resulting in kinds of stereotypes .
4 More contentious would be those few patients who are kept alive by such intensive care that there is no alternative outside the NHS .
5 It is precisely this that makes me very suspicious of searching for some supposed rational parliamentary intention outside the language in which a draftsman who is known to be rational has chosen to express it .
6 It might , for example , seek to imprison for contempt either a working-class ‘ hero ’ organising lawful opposition outside the House to legislative proposals under consideration in it ; or an employer determined to extract his pound of flesh under legislation considered to be oppressive and proposed to be repealed as soon as possible .
7 Argentina 's Jorge Berendt led the roistering with a career-best 63 , one stroke outside the course record set by Jose Maria Canizares last year , and Sweden 's Jesper Parnevik was only a shot behind after collecting eight birdies in 13 holes .
8 If a contiguous area of storage is available elsewhere , or if the keys are continuous but start at a figure outside the range of the storage addresses available , an addition or subtraction will be needed .
9 In addition , there is a similar figure outside the gas supply area , and some Regions have better prospects than others to increase their growth rate .
10 The first type is ‘ messenger ’ RNA ( mRNA for short ) , which is made in the nucleus as a copy of a DNA gene , and which then passes into the cytoplasm ( the part of the cell outside the nucleus ) to the ribosome assembly line .
11 In eukaryotes , the cytoplasm ( i.e. that part of the cell outside the nucleus ) contains various membranous structures , absent in prokaryotes , of which the most important are the mitochondria ( where energy obtained from oxidation reactions is converted into a usable form — see p. 63 ) , and , in plants , the chloroplasts ( where light energy is trapped ) .
12 Under these conditions the methane jets pushed the candle flame outside the gauze , causing explosions .
13 I used to sit alone in my room and listen to the sounds of the wind outside the house .
14 Members of HM Forces posting mail outside the UK , where BSPOs are not operating , must pay full civilian postage rates .
15 Coopers has Deloitte UK , which is the largest and most influential practice outside the US .
16 He walked his horse outside the tavern but left Godstowe just before the young woman and man were seen .
17 If the request is for a search outside the UK , this gets passed on to MC Strategy Services .
18 Similarly if the request is for a search outside the UK , this gets passed on to MC Strategy Services .
19 The damp hair lay like a dark shroud about Theda 's head , flowing down behind the chair where she sat with Hector at her feet , her back to the sun , on the terrace outside the ballroom .
20 ( There are several psalms in the Old Testament outside the Book of Psalms .
21 Nevertheless , violence outside the Grunwick works rapidly escalated , culminating in a so-called ‘ day of action ’ ( 11 July 1977 ) when about 18,000 people turned up to picket and there was much fighting with the police , resulting in seventy arrests and several injuries .
22 All these sights and sounds alone would have fascinated Joseph 's young mind , but the murmured talk of deities and devils beyond his imaginings coming from the grave-faced little mandarin pacing at his side established the walled city of palaces lastingly in his mind as a place of deep mystery and enchantment , and by the time Tran Van Hieu delivered him to the governor 's aide outside the Palace of Perfect Concord he was almost ready to believe he would see a live white tiger curled up contentedly with a blue dragon around the emperor 's feet .
23 While Kittay 's theory has the advantage that it allows metaphor to be seen as operating according to the same basic principles regardless of the size of the discursive unit in question , Brooke-Rose 's own examination of the mechanisms of the verb metaphor suggest a view that minimizes dependence on an implicit ‘ proper ’ term outside the text and emphasizes the metaphoric interactions between the terms themselves .
24 His brother Austen , affronted by the lack of respect paid to his seniority , reluctantly accepted the Admiralty outside the Cabinet .
25 Apart from the existing roundabout near Rhuddlan Golf Club , another is nearing completion outside the Sainsbury 's store .
26 Most visitors to the Games will be put up along the coast outside the city and COBB have had to hire 10 luxury liners to be moored in Barcelona 's harbour , to provide 30,000 extra rooms for sponsors and their guests .
27 This active projection of consciousness outside the self is the condition of true communication , and also the condition of the creation of narrative fiction .
28 Drugged again , they regained consciousness outside the valley in anguish that it had all been a dream .
29 ‘ Eventually , we hope to be able to send E-mail outside the building to our various clients and colleagues throughout the Education Department . ’
30 In addition her action outside the assessment procedures also gave Mrs Jones the power to negotiate with other participants .
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