Example sentences of "[noun sg] apply to the " in BNC.

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1 In order to ascertain the rights to which any given set of facts give rise , we must always ask what is the rule of Common Law ? what difference ( if any ) is made in the working of this rule by the existence of some rule of Equity applying to the case ?
2 I can see nothing in principle to prevent a contemnor applying to the first instance court to be released from custody on the ground that the failure to serve him with the committal order has kept him in ignorance of the contempts for which he has been imprisoned and that , in the circumstances , justice requires his release .
3 From the First Dynasty this was a term applied to the dead .
4 It is a psychologically unrewarding task for the person soliciting over the telephone , and this is reflected in the vernacular term applied to the location from which such solicitation takes place — ‘ the boiler room ’ .
5 If this figure applied to the county as a whole then the criticisms which were used to attack progressive methods were quite unjustified ; far too few schools had embraced Plowden for them to be having the catastrophic influence which their detractors attributed to them .
6 Keep your body weight applied to the back part of the inside rail throughout the turn .
7 Having examined the parliamentary history of sections 61 and 63 of the Finance Act 1976 , it was held that the parliamentary intention was that in-house benefits should be assessed for income tax on the basis of marginal costs to the employer and not as a proportion of the total costs incurred in providing the service both for the public and the employee ; that this effect applied to the education of the children of teachers who were employees ; and that section 63 of the 1976 Act should be construed accordingly .
8 The theory of the operation of a Pitot tube is contained essentially in eqn ( 10.19 ) , Bernoulli 's equation applied to the streamline that ends at the forward stagnation point of an obstacle placed in a stream .
9 FIGURE 1 In this five by four foot painting I wanted to emphasise the strength of the granite structure , so I decided to counter-balance the sense of its solidity with a diffused and scumbled sky , Figures , walls and railings were initially indicated and loose brush strokes of warm pink applied to the sky area .
10 LORD JUSTICE RALPH GIBSON said that neither the plaintiff nor the defendant applied to the court at any time before judgment for an order under Order 5 , rule 5(2) appointing the defendant to represent all or any of the members of the management committee .
11 The defendant applied to the trial judge for a stay on the grounds that the actions of the police amounted to an abuse of the process of the court .
12 By a notice of application dated 27 November 1989 the defendant applied to the county court for the possession order to be set aside .
13 Although the characteristic case of an affray involves fighting in public , there may be in cases where there is no actual violence applied to the person of another , since the offence is capable of commission by those who threaten violence .
14 The applicant applied to the district judge for a perpetual stay of the prosecution of the 1989 charges on the ground of delay amounting to an abuse of process , and an order postponing the trials of the 1988 and 1989 charges until the conclusion of the High Court trial on the grounds that to try them before would inevitably prejudice the applicant 's defence at the High Court trial .
15 The applicant applied to the High Court for judicial review of those decisions but the application was dismissed .
16 The applicant applied to the Divisional Court for a writ of habeas corpus .
17 It would seem that these moves , the deification of Jesus Christ , and the introduction of the Holy Ghost , were the outcome of the obstinate intention to apply to the new religion the utterly unalterable condition that the ancient ‘ god ’ of the original scriptures must , at all costs be retained .
18 Rule 2 permits a litigant to apply to the court in an action against a firm for an order that full disclosure be made as to the identity and residence of its partners at the relevant time .
19 Second , the committal order was in Form N111 rather than Form N79 and contained no reference to the right of the contemnor to apply to the court to purge his contempt and ask to be released .
20 That said , however , the course which should normally be followed , if circumstances such as those before us ever arise again , is for the defendant to apply to the county court for a rehearing under Order 37 of the County Court Rules , and to adduce his affidavit evidence in support of that application .
21 A similar chain of reasoning applies to the real-balance effect .
22 There are two problems with assuming that our figure applies to the whole Chinese population .
23 It is sufficient to say that in broad definition the former term applies to the language used up to the twelfth century , and the latter that given to the language between the twelfth and the fifteenth , when Modern English started to emerge .
24 The same rule applies to the High Elves when choosing magic items as to anyone else ; try to pick the tools for the job , maximise your strengths and minimise your weaknesses .
25 I 'm not sure if the away goals rule applies to the coca-cola .
26 If we insert equation ( 20 ) into this we obtain This equation applies to the combustion of one mole of methane gas under standard conditions as specified by the equation in the previous example .
27 Most of the provisions of the new directives may in future apply to the previously excluded sectors of energy , transport and water distribution .
28 Conventional riveted stringers were replaced by a system of longitudinal corrugation applied to the sides and planing bottom .
29 Mechanical damage applied to the lamina of one of the cotyledons of a tomato seedling with one expanded leaf ( Fig. 1 a ) leads to electrical activity ( Fig. 1 b ) which can be detected by extracellular electrodes placed on the stem and on the petiole of leaf 1 , morphologically the lowest ( first-formed ) leaf ( Fig. 1 a ) .
30 Theoretical considerations indicated that if the electric field applied to the surface could be made strong enough to confine the mobile electrons to a very thin layer near the semiconductor 's surface , with thickness comparable to the wavelength associated with the electrons there , then the electrons ' motion perpendicular to the surface would be ‘ quantised ’ .
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