Example sentences of "[noun sg] war [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the recent Gulf war the religious police here lost a lot of their power because of having to lift restrictions when other armies from various countries were here .
2 During the Second World War a similar problem arose with regard to the publication of Alexander Ratcliffe 's Truth about the Jews , brought out by the British Protestant League .
3 Indeed during the Second World War a British officer of some distinction , Fitzroy Maclean , had actually arrested Zahedi on grounds he had been intriguing with German agents .
4 During the Second World War the capitalist allies worked together with Communist Russia without either side altering its views and without much real communication .
5 After the Second World War the economic prosperity brought by the long postwar boom , and the apparent popularity of the Attlee government 's welfare reforms , allowed the paternalist orientations of Eden , Butler , and Macmillan to flourish , attenuated by the ‘ stops ’ forced by Britain 's ongoing balance-of-payments problem .
6 Shortly after the Second World War the typical advice given concerning this condition was : " Acute coronary thrombosis must be regarded more seriously than most cardiac conditions , a rest in bed for weeks or months , with a minimum of 4 weeks , should be prescribed in order to assure as sound a healing of the myocardial infarct as possible . "
7 In bald form , Middlemas argues that around the time of the First World War the nineteenth-century British political system had broken down under the weight of the antagonism and conflicts in industrial society .
8 Its advent was auspicious in that following the Second World War the strenuous efforts of many social scientists , especially in the United States , to secure a more acceptable place for social science , which itself contributed to many of the techniques which became part of variable analysis , was served by a way of thinking which seemed to offer a way of emulating some of the crucial features of the scientific method .
9 In the decade following the conclusion of the Second World War the Western powers , and in particular the United States under the Truman and Eisenhower administrations , negotiated a whole series of bilateral and multilateral security treaties with Asian states , which in certain cases took the form of formal alliances .
10 During the twentieth century more houses became tied with the decline of the landlord — tenant system in farming and its replacement by owner-occupation , and since the Second World War the chronic shortage of housing in rural areas has increased the importance of tied cottages still further .
11 For reasons which are well known , after the Section World War the International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg and Tokyo did not directly address the question of air warfare .
12 From then until the suspension of elections during the first world war the Labour Party ( as it now was ) and Municipal Alliance fought with roughly equal strength for municipal control , and indirectly for parliamentary seats , although for most of the time the Alliance retained power .
13 In the years following the Second World War the European colonial powers retained control over a large number of military and naval bases among their colonies .
14 During the First World War the little colony of gifted foreigners in Montparnasse and French artists unfit for military service was increasingly shunned by the rest of society at a time when xenophobia was rife and contempt for any man out of uniform was universal .
15 During the Second World War the Portuguese Government tried to insist that only neutral ships be used , but this was often ignored .
16 Twenty-one years after the end of the First World War the British people were subjected to a second war , which , while it produced only half as many British military casualties as the first , struck more radically at the lives of ordinary civilians .
17 When during the Second World War the German occupiers deported the entire Danish police force for several months , recorded rates of theft and robbery ( though not of sexual offences ) rose spectacularly ( Chris-tiansen , 1975 ; Beyleveld , 1990 : 159 ) .
18 After the First World War the voluntary hospitals faced a severe and growing financial crisis .
19 After the Second World War the comfortable , leisured life cushioned with a decent income from stocks and shares was hit both by inflation and the liquidation of Britain 's foreign assets .
20 For much of the period since the Second World War the responsible party model was at one with the informed consensus and " common-sense " as to the working of our system .
21 During the First World War the red cars of the Corporation were seen more regularly at Squires Gate , where there was a military camp .
22 In the first 25 years after the Second World War the Keynesian approach to macroeconomic theory and policy came to dominate academic and governmental thinking in most Western economies .
23 During the Second World War the whole economic effort centred on supplying and employing sufficient quantities of labour and materials .
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