Example sentences of "[noun sg] appear on the " in BNC.

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1 Well maybe he 's er got a contract to appear on the media .
2 The package is controlled from the tablet 's ce , the only time you need to use the keyboard after loading the program is when you want to enter text to appear on the screen or for a filename when saving or loading pictures .
3 If you 're snobbish about the vocals then you 're probably the type of person that caused the instrument mix to appear on the B-side .
4 For example , new molecules characteristic of the chick appear on the cell surface .
5 Further away from the source still , the lava flows even slower , and the yellow glow gives way to a bright cherry red , and black streaks and blobs of chilled solid lava appear on the surface .
6 The Oxford Thesaurus Electronic Edition is very easy to use , the results of a search appear on the screen almost instantaneously and it lacks nothing that the book would have .
7 Unfortunately , on the only example on pottery , from the Nene Valley , the monster appears on the broken edge of the sherd ( fig. 14.40 ) and all that is visible are his sprouting whiskers and one foot .
8 Your new girlfriend appears on the centrefold of Sub-aqua Answers .
9 No confirmation appears on the screen .
10 Whereas the essence of the previous law was that the threat was required to cause the breach of the peace , now it is enough if the conduct causes a person to believe that there will be violence , which might include continued violence if the scuffle is already in progress when the witness appears on the scene .
11 The Headless Horseman appears on the carriage and swoops down on the adventurers .
12 A hare appeared on the opposite verge , quivered for a second , then ran swiftly up the road only to leap sideways out of the path of the approaching French infantry .
13 The Bavarian Prime Minister 's recommendation appeared on the publicity pamphlet below excerpts from a similarly glowing review by the ultra-Right wing newspaper Deutsche Nationale Zeitung , which tries to boost its fringe circulation by challenging what it calls the ‘ Auschwitz lie ’ that millions of Jews died in Nazi extermination camps .
14 The blood was blotted with a filterpaper every 10 s until no blood appeared on the paper .
15 As her photograph appeared on the screen , Elaine shook her head .
16 Jill Thomas , 15 , whose photograph appeared on the front of the last Medau News , is taking Medau as her Interest Subject for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award .
17 ‘ We 're in business , ’ he said when the relevant entry appeared on the screen .
18 The figure of a soldier appeared on the hill and came to meet Bathsheba .
19 Obviously there had been no notices after the first night , and few of the critics of the major papers would have had time , let alone interest , to give the play a second viewing ; but a North London local paper with a weekly deadline had sent along its critic on the Monday of the second week , and their review appeared on the Thursday .
20 Early one morning a horseman appeared on the bank in rich blue robes , his horse caparisoned with coloured ribbons .
21 At the end of 1777 de Broglie submitted to King Louis XVI an improved version of the proposals he had drafted 12 years before while at about the same time a new figure appeared on the scene , the 39-year-old Edward Dumouriez , an able army officer who had caught the eye of the king and been appointed Commandant of Cherbourg .
22 As a figure appeared on the beach — it was Ronnie Tod — a German cycle patrol rode up .
23 One day a figure appeared on the far shore .
24 A vast auditorium appeared on the screen ; every seat was filled ; at the far end was a platform .
25 The unique number , which must of course appear on the cost printout , will enable management to identify each individual docket but it may well be a laborious process to extract the costing details for one subsection of a project from the filing for the whole company .
26 The forelimb begins to develop first ; a small bulge appearing on the flank of the embryo — the first signs of the limb bud .
27 As far as registered land is concerned r110 of the Land Registration Rules 1925 covers the position : On a transfer of land subject to a charge or other incumbrance appearing on the register … covenants by either party to pay the money owing and to indemnify the other party may be added to the instrument of transfer and may be noted on the register .
28 Some of you may need a ‘ recap ’ on how to make a motif appear on the garment the same way round as in the graph , or in reverse .
29 The meal was almost over and I had downed at least four deep-bowled cups of claret when the small red stain appeared on the table cloth .
30 The one possible exception to this general rule used to be the jurisdiction of the court to quash a decision taken within the jurisdiction of the decision taker where an error of law appeared on the face of the record : Rex v. Northumberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal , Ex parte Shaw [ 1952 ] 1 K.B .
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