Example sentences of "[noun sg] carry out [art] " in BNC.

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1 A library , like any other organisation , has a limited amount of manpower and money to carry out the activities required and expected of it ; training is just one way of ensuring that these resources are used in the most effective possible manner .
2 ‘ If a rusty water pipe bursts it takes an enormous amount of time to find the money to carry out the repairs .
3 On occasion it was vital in a really bad case to carry out a tracheostomy — that is , to put a small tube into the trachea or windpipe , below the level of the swelling which is causing the breathing difficulty — but this was only rarely required .
4 In the case of the simple penal code , the essential reason it is in the interest of a firm in this case to carry out the threat of punishment is that it believes that if it does not it itself will be punished .
5 provide an opportunity to carry out a few simple tests ( such as checking your blood pressure ) :
6 Those attending were given the opportunity to carry out the mock validation of a course which was defended by a very experienced course team .
7 ‘ The Territorial Army are using the opportunity to carry out an exercise in — ah — conditions where large numbers of civilians are present .
8 It points out that legislation designed to protect under-16s is not being monitored or enforced and argues that the draft directive presents an opportunity to carry out an urgent review of provision .
9 II , p. 258 ) — in other words mothers should have the wherewithal to carry out a household chore .
10 They do not have the wherewithal to carry out the administration and paperwork or to watch over them and ensure that they learn on the job and produce an effective piece of craftsmanship .
11 Campaigners have welcomed Cleveland County Council 's decision to carry out a road safety study taking in Sappers Corner and Truro Drive on the A689 on the outskirts of Hartlepool .
12 A SENIOR consultant admitted yesterday that the decision to carry out a Caesarian section on an expectant mother was left too late .
13 The decision to carry out a Caesarian section should perhaps have been taken after the 4.30pm examination when the heartbeat was known to have decelerated , he said .
14 And were your involvement the decision to carry out the search or was your involvement the operational search ?
15 The cost of checking that a loss has been reported to the Police , Hotel or Courier and the time taken to do so must affect the decision to carry out an investigation .
16 Will he urge the chairman to carry out a study of the economics of mining anthracite from small drift mines employing up to 75 people because many believe that mined in that way , anthracite could be extremely saleable and competitive in relation to both opencast operations and imports of Chinese coal ?
17 In 1984 the Anglian Water Authority applied for permission to carry out a land-drainage scheme on the Stour between Stratford St Mary and Flatford Mill , with the purpose of converting the riverside pasture to oil-seed rape .
18 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
19 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
20 The inability to carry out an agreed suggestion may indicate that neither the follower nor the leader had really understood the problem when the objective was set .
21 When survey data are coded and punched for analysis by computer it is all too easy to ask the computer to carry out a range of cross-tabulations of one factor by another .
22 Whatever the shortcomings of the assumptions made about cause and effect in the relationship between man and the environment ( and man with man ) the model shows how the use of a computer to carry out the vast number of calculations necessary to realize the model can allow the consideration of a very complex situation on lines not previously possible .
23 If it were possible to store all the different types of primary data in computer-readable form then it would become feasible to use the speed of the computer to carry out the required searches , comparisons , overlays and numerical modelling .
24 It also feared that a coalition with the anti-fascist forces might create similar problems to those which the Labour government of 1929–3 I faced when relying upon Liberal support to carry out a legislative programme .
25 From July it will be illegal for anyone other than a vet to carry out the operation .
26 If I signed a contract to carry out a complete refurbishment of the interior of your house I have an obligation to fulfil that contract .
27 Also in 1990 , the Scottish Council for Research in Education was commissioned by the Scottish Office Education Department to carry out an evaluation of ACDP .
28 According to his instructor at the Borders Parachute Club , Wakenshaw had the presence of mind to carry out a textbook emergency descent to save his life .
29 Western military sources confirmed that Turkey had the military capability to carry out an air raid on the Bekaa .
30 Illuminative evaluation An attempt to carry out an illuminative evaluation of the undergraduate information retrieval course was also made .
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