Example sentences of "[noun sg] buy i [art] " in BNC.

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1 I would just like again to say special thanks to Ernie , Mel and Neil for all their support and I hope they 're gon na be first in bar to buy me a drink .
2 ( ‘ He wanted more to earn enough money to buy me a present , ’ she said . )
3 Mother Francis would n't have the money to buy me a new frock . ’
4 We had had our school trial in the concrete playground and I had made the team ; so here I was , complete with black Curtis plimsolls ( I had had to ask my Mum to buy me a pair ) and white ‘ Alf Ramsey ’ shorts .
5 So I forced my Mum to buy me a guitar — it was just a crappy acoustic , with the strings about an inch away from the frets . ’
6 MY HUSBAND bought me a watch as a birthday present , but it kept losing time and I returned it after the holidays .
7 ‘ My wife bought me a small kit to try out using wool — which is rather like painting by numbers — and I have not looked back since . ’
8 Luckily , that was about the same time that my mother and father bought me a radio , and all my other interests just disappeared once I had that …
9 And er I started er with a doll , my father bought me a doll and it taught me how to er dress me .
10 At one time my major ambition was to have my father buy me an excavator so that I could make really big dams .
11 My uncle bought me a camera for my birthday . ’
12 Whilst I was wondering just what I might buy with it , the problem was solved when Mum bought me a grey shirt .
13 Yeah I did that at school we had to stay in most break times as a child cos I could n't remember , and I , I know that my mum bought me a books so I used to sit for days and days , then my mum going over and then my nan going over and I could n't remember if I wanted
14 Instead of buying us a present , from erm , my mum bought me a few bits and pieces when they went to France .
15 I DISCOVERED OIL pastels one Christmas when kindly relation bought me a large box after hearing that I painted in pastels ; not realising that it was the soft chalk variety that I used .
16 Malc sold his trumpet to buy me a wedding ring .
17 They gave us a list of the clothes and equipment we would need , and Dad bought me a pair of spikes from Ron Springett 's Sports Shop .
18 ‘ When I was ten , my Dad bought me a guitar for Christmas , which I 'd asked for , but at the same time he enrolled me at the local golf club !
19 My mum and dad bought me a piano when I started having piano lessons at the age of four and three quarters .
20 By the time we met I had almost reached The Old Castle Inn at Old Sarum and good old Dad bought me the largest ginger beer I 've ever had .
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