Example sentences of "[art] [adv prt] of date " in BNC.

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1 That 's it , yeah what was the one er , the out of date Christmas puddings , did you read that one as well ?
2 It is not so easy in the case of traditionally defined domestic tasks since despite the fact that these have , and are , changing over time , popular mass images of all kinds still perpetuate an out of date portrayal which goes largely unchallenged .
3 Swan Hunters is not , as the Trade and Industry Minister described , an out of date sunset industry of yesterday .
4 Students should be encouraged to analyse the usefulness of an out of date balance sheet and profit and loss account and the situation of a business that is experiencing difficulties .
5 Deport Peter Schmichael for having an out of date work permit , let Scumtona and Hughes run off to the Cayman Islands for a peaceful life together , Ryans potty training to let him down at home games as well as away , Lee Sharpe to OD on E and think he 's playing for the best team in the country .
6 Some legal experts say an inquest is an out of date and inappropriate way of investigating the deaths .
7 Inn many cases this is what they get , However this is not consolation to the user who , having been misinformed by an out of date roadside timetable , spends , say , fifteen minutes at a windswept bus stop , in pouring rain , awaiting a bus that is less than clean , being driven so badly that the ride is uncomfortable by a brusque and unhelpful driver . ’
8 Consequently people are comparing the Community Charge which they 've got on their hands now er with an out of date rating system and they should probably add about 200 pounds to the rates they 're paying in order to get a better comparison .
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