Example sentences of "[art] [det] hours and " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , this was the way he needed to present it for domestic consumption , for this new alliance and the concession of territory for military use by a foreign power scarcely seemed consistent with the many hours and column inches he had devoted to demonizing the western democracies and to denouncing the British " occupation " of Gibraltar .
2 The jeep driver was pleased at the opportunity to get away for a few hours and we set off about 3 p.m. , arriving in the area of the Highland Division a short time later , after following their divisional signs along the country lanes .
3 When they had gone and the noise of the engines had faded away , all would be quiet for a few hours and most people on night duty could relax — but not the Met Office , of course .
4 Spawning lasts a few hours and then the pair should be removed .
5 Do n't worry , Billy , I wo n't stay more than a few hours and by that time I 'll know one way or the other .
6 He arrived at 1.30am on the first day , slept for a few hours and turned up at the clubhouse to find he was in the field .
7 But for now , she would not allow herself to think , she would rest for a few hours and then make arrangements to deal with business matters .
8 The men and women ( eleven in all ) who met here and talked for a few hours and went their unremarkable ways , were the descendants of the impassioned few Roxborough had gathered around him in the dark days following the failure of the Reconciliation .
9 Some stopped dividing after a few hours and remained generalised in form and in dense clusters .
10 Dehydration , er can produce death within a matter of fe , er a few hours and and an understanding of the mechanism by which this dehydration leads us into one of the most effective forms of heat treatment er , ever produced .
11 Only a few hours and she would be with him again .
12 ‘ You sound as if I 'd been gone for a few hours and forgot to leave you a note . ’
13 If , however , it 's absorbed by osmosis through the skin , it simply paralyses in a death-like state for anything between a few hours and a few days , depending on the dosage .
14 After multiple cycles of amplification contaminating RNA species are no longer a problem and there is plenty of material to clone , sequence , or otherwise analyse , all within a few hours and with minimal manual intervention .
15 She 'd tacked a few scraps of old cotton into a baby-gown too and sent it round next door for the new Rattrie baby , born very inconveniently , as it turned out , the day after the funeral , her fit of generosity entirely misplaced , since the child had only lived a few hours and the gown — upon which Odette had worked a few hasty stitches of embroidery — had ended up in the pawnshop — Cara had seen it herself in the window — to help pay , she supposed , for yet another infantile disposal .
16 Why do n't you wait a few hours and see if he gets what you need from Blagg ? ’
17 Rincewind stood up as slowly as he dared , and drew from his belt the short sword he had taken from the guard a few hours and a hundred years ago .
18 However , I understand that , the other day , an English acrobat 's son came up to Scotland for a few hours and said that the whole thing was non-negotiable .
19 Flying time is three and a half hours and there is no time change .
20 Instead , he was out first thing next morning for 110 and Gower declared at 300 for 9 , leaving West Indies to make 342 in four and a half hours and twenty overs .
21 A total of six and a half hours and we were over the small , dying town of Wyndham .
22 In all its major value for money three and a half hours and 50 tracks , ‘ …
23 Now discussion is limited normally to one and a half hours and even that possibility disappears if the Commons has other urgent business that requires a sitting to be extended beyond the normal closure at 10 p.m .
24 Experienced planners could do this job in three or four hours — we had to arrange four meetings each lasting three and a half hours and they still only just got it done .
25 The three won a place following a regional ‘ cook-off ’ and now face the task of preparing a three-course meal for four within two and a half hours and within a budget of £30 .
26 That 's five and a half hours and we 've got to be there at two
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