Example sentences of "[art] [det] days or " in BNC.

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1 The first is that initial support of 60% is not high if the policy turns sour — if , for example , a war lasted more than the few days or weeks that Mr Bush seems to think it will take .
2 But he added that patience had limits and he might wait a few days or two weeks .
3 But he added that patience had limits and he might wait a few days or two weeks .
4 Given that conditions had changed greatly in forty years , and that ‘ the right to know ’ had in every walk of life assumed paramount importance , it seemed nevertheless unrealistic — even allowing for the vastly different scale of the conflict — for relatives of servicemen to protest at lack of information over but a few days or even hours .
5 a combine , which only works for a few days or weeks in the year is far too costly for a smallholder , who must either rely on a contractor or work with simpler equipment .
6 Many widows like to stay in the home of a family member for a few days or weeks afterwards , but if she is going to return to her own home at some time , this should not be delayed for too long .
7 So , too , are the increasing number of so-called closing down sales which often take place for a few days or weeks at the end of a shop lease .
8 Afterwards I have a rest for a few days or go swimming ’
9 Better to hold on to power for a few days or hours longer .
10 If there is no luck after a few days or the child is showing antagonism to the potty then the parent should leave the training for a few more weeks .
11 Most of these minor illnesses last only a few days or weeks : what are needed , therefore , are the measures quality of life days or quality of life weeks .
12 You may think you have to cut back on the necessities of life for a few days or cancel a treat you had promised yourself and the family .
13 Unlike the 19th century bill , the contemporary bill of lading often does not arrive at the port of destination or transhipment prior to the arrival of the goods , especially when the maritime journey lasts a few days or less .
14 All are strongly seasonal , with activity limited to a few days or weeks in summer .
15 More characteristic still are the thousands of tiny meltwater streams that trickle from ice-sheets and snow-banks for a few days or weeks each summer , often following the same channels year after year , and sometimes building up mats of vegetation along their course .
16 They must be able to cope with aridity , high daily and seasonal temperature ranges , seasonal swings in photoperiod from long days to long nights , and a growing season ranging in length from three to four months on the polar fringes to a few days or even hours in higher latitudes .
17 If any one of his rules was broken — and he had a number — he would put a notice on his front door which said that the offender was scartata , rejected ; it could be for a few days or anything up to a fortnight .
18 In some homes it is possible to stay for a few days or a week at a time either occasionally or on a regular basis .
19 He did not yet know , as we know now thanks to the cuneiform tablet B.M. 35603 , that Antiochus IV had died in Persia a few days or weeks before the probable date of the reconsecration of the Temple ( A. I. Sachs and D. J. Wiseman , Iraq 16 ( 1954 ) , 212 ) .
20 ‘ Just for a few days or so … something to ease the pain ? ’
21 Inventories were normally taken within a few days or weeks of the testator 's death .
22 In a few days or weeks Francis would almost certainly have made a will and it was unlikely that Anna would have been the principal , let alone the sole beneficiary .
23 Overdrafts to customers are often granted for a few days or weeks .
24 After a few days or weeks , the sulphur particles are precipitated as rain or snow .
25 Several contractors have had it and it 's never been right and eventually a few days or weeks later a man comes round to pick up the grass which has already flown everywhere so it 's too late and a wa total waste of money .
26 Bearing in mind that if we do have the whole house then people are only coming for a few days or or even one night could no they had somewhere to stay .
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