Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] break off " in BNC.

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1 The CO broke off to frown an inquiry at his Adjutant .
2 Traction alopecia is caused by tightly pulled pony-tails , braids and chignons ; friction alopecia occurs when hair bands , wigs or hats are too tight and the hair breaks off .
3 At first I managed to get hold of two pictures by Popova , then the thread broke off and , completely by chance , I stumbled back on the right trail .
4 The shop assistant was hit so hard that part of the shotgun broke off .
5 The assistant was hit on the head with the shotgun so hard , that part of the stock broke off .
6 The assistant was hit on the head with the shotgun so hard , that part of the stock broke off .
7 The friendship broke off in the 1880s .
8 ’ At this point the manuscript breaks off .
9 But there is nobody below decks ; the engine-room was never installed , and the rudder broke off centuries ago .
10 On 17 January 1799 , nearly a month before Cook 's death in Kealakekua Bay , the journal breaks off .
11 The plane 's wing was damaged on impact and Mr Treweek saw the tail break off as he swam ashore but the pilot managed to land the plane safely on the beach .
12 He attacked one Ju87 from behind , breaking away as the tail broke off his victim and it crashed into the sea .
13 The morning fire should be re-kindled from the back-log of the previous day : a smart blow with the poker to break off its embers , small kindling on top of these , a puff with the bellows or breath and she is away .
14 Then , as the radius of remaining material shrank , other rings of material nearer the centre broke off .
15 The speaker broke off , turning to stare at her as she stood in the doorway .
16 The man broke off with a shudder .
17 The Friar broke off a young oak bough and waved it about his sweating forehead to keep off the flies that followed him in wavering clouds , a floating band of skirmishers that his ceaseless counter-attacks could not drive away .
18 Analysis of progressions leading to dissociation ( at which point the progression breaks off to be replaced by continuous absorption ) can give us accurate values of dissociation energies for simple molecules .
19 Rosalind had written the letter breaking off her engagement to Richard , but during her short meeting with her new boy-friend realised that he was n't the right one at all and that Richard was — but that with the letter in the post she had found out too late !
20 There the letter breaks off , and I find no other reference to this ‘ most interesting , extraordinary and traumatic ’ event until summer 1976 , five years later , when I was asked to write a summary of my coming out .
21 At least half an hour goes by before the laibon breaks off to welcome the returning cattle .
22 There , at the foot of a page , the photocopy broke off .
23 Major appealed to him to withdraw the threat to break off talks with the South African government [ see above ] , but at a press conference Mandela reiterated that such negotiations would cease on May 9 unless de Klerk acted to halt township violence .
24 The conversation broke off sharply when he became edgy and scrambled for cover , telling her to go away .
25 One interesting section of the new Thorikos text is the reference at the end , just before the stone breaks off ( as so often with Greek inscriptions , at the most interesting point ) to elections at deme level , something we should like to know more about ( p. 119 ) .
26 The point of the spine breaks off easily , and the liquid inside , formic acid , is released into the object causing the injury , in most cases the skin of an animal .
27 On the left the slope broke off and fell down a cliff to the river . "
28 a bit broken off !
29 There may be a decision to break off negotiations precisely in order to achieve some end in those negotiations .
30 It reminded Maggie of a tooth broken off just above the gum .
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