Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] page " in BNC.

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1 To clear the codes see the list in the Appendix on page 75 .
2 A survey I conducted among Hull University students and staff investigating their beliefs about sleep and dreaming is fully reported in the Appendix on page 218 .
3 The report consists of seven pages , the first six , described as the inspection report , signed at the foot of page six by the surveyor with an indication whether or not he is employed .
4 READERS may have thought there was a superficial likeness to the mug-shot on page 5 , but this is not the Editor but a ‘ guest ’ and a quite intrepid aviator .
5 The chart on page 70 provides an informal profile of each course and an indication of the qualities it asks of each student .
6 ‘ … and the chart on page 27 shows relative densities of time-share touts ’
7 These can include : inadequate parish penetration ; growth philosophy , new housing opportunity , physical restrictions at the mother church and in some cases the bishop 's initiative , as the chart on page 62 shows .
8 This cake can be flavoured in an endless variety of ways to suit personal tastes — a few are listed in the chart on page 9 , but add your own ingredients as liked .
9 The special tube shapes for the rocket are achieved by baking cake mixture in empty food cans just make up the required raw cake quantity as shown in the chart on page 12 .
10 Squeak squeak — it 's not James asking for a pay rise , but Doc Croc 's mousey mate on the lookout for pages and machine bits .
11 If we look at the budget on page 147 in percentage terms then it breaks down as follows :
12 ‘ Mechanically propelled vehicle ’ does not mean the same as ‘ Motor vehicle ’ as defined in the glossary at page 2 .
13 All the important terms are explained in the text , where relevant , and also listed in the glossary on page xxv .
14 Also we went down to the H.Q. at Pages Park where we saw some men putting up photographs of the line in the past .
15 I shall return to this point at the end of the chapter on page 35 .
16 The future of page printers is fairly obvious .
17 This painting is now lost but a photograph of it was reproduced in Stamford Then and Now , a limited edition commemorative volume produced by Stamford Corporation in 1951 , and the drawing on page 76 is a copy of it .
18 The figure on page 28 shows the make-up of these simplest nuclei and illustrates what happens when two deuterium nuclei collide .
19 ( See the figure on page 28 . )
20 Right , can I take you to the recommendation on page six .
21 So the recommendation on page six of the blue book .
22 Right , can I take you to the recommendation on page nine that the programme be circulated to all members of the committee .
23 I have Mrs wishes to make a change to the recommendation on page five of this report .
24 Can I take you to the recommendation on page five of the report then .
25 Now again the County Secretary wants to alter the recommendation on page forty nine .
26 I would like you please to refer to the county secretary in the recommendation on page seventy three with the county surveyor .
27 Can I put it to you that we can not today accept the recommendation on page forty-eight .
28 ( See the photograph on page 35 . )
29 C. The uplands have other problems for the farmers in these areas , as shown in the photograph on page 77 .
30 The photograph on page 129 shows a group of parcels , arranged under a Christmas tree , that have been decorated with pressed flowers .
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