Example sentences of "[art] [adj] few decades " in BNC.

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1 Baillie Scott was the progenitor of the American open plan and the most innovative interior decorator the first few decades of the twentieth century ever saw .
2 But they are now undoubtedly the most endangered of the dolphin species , largely because their small and isolated populations are particularly vulnerable to the industrialisation which has occurred throughout much of their range in the past few decades .
3 THE past few decades have seen an astonishing growth in road traffic almost everywhere .
4 If such a revolution comes about , there will doubtless be a role for the huge accelerators physicists have built to construct and test the standard model over the past few decades .
5 Over the past few decades , however , the approach to conservation and protection of our cultural heritage has changed .
6 But if we look at the chemistry and other science portrayed in comics and illustrated periodicals , we can see an interesting shift in public attitudes over the past few decades .
7 The circumstances in which young people grow up have altered drastically in the past few decades .
8 The western diet has changed dramatically over the past few decades .
9 Strategies for integrating data reported at different geographical scales and for different map projections have received considerable attention over the past few decades ( Robinson et al. 1984 ; Burrough 1986 ) .
10 During the past few decades , many academic psychologists have studied the phenomenon but it is still not possible to say exactly what hypnosis is .
11 Over the past few decades , the world 's demand for tin has fallen dramatically as packagers have reduced the thickness of the metal in tinplate or have turned to other materials for their containers , aluminium for instance .
12 Over the past few decades , considerable research effort and capital has been directed towards developing materials that do not cause thrombus formation when exposed to blood .
13 One of the most marvellous happenings of the past few decades is the way in which infective diseases have been brought under control and even virtually abolished by modern drugs and vaccines , better hygiene , safe water supplies , modern sewage systems .
14 The most noticeable feature of the past few decades however , has been the increasing instability of economic life .
15 Over the past few decades researchers have shown that chimps can create artworks ( abstract thought ) , use tools in a quite sophisticated fashion , and understand the concept of language : humans and chimps can use sign languages like Ameslan to communicate with each other to a reasonably advanced level .
16 The Tories are about to enter their third term of office having driven a knife through the heart of much of the more advanced social legislation of the past few decades .
17 Very many educational reports over the past few decades have portrayed black pupils as having special needs because their cultural background is inadequate ( e.g. Rampton Report , 1981 ) .
18 In most other countries those firms employing over 1000 workers have substantially increased their share of output and employment over the past few decades , so why is Japan different ?
19 In most other countries those firms employing over 1000 workers have substantially increased their share of output and employment over the past few decades , so why is Japan different ?
20 The fact is , beneath all the nonsense about the so-called ‘ new man ’ , men and the male culture have changed dramatically over the past few decades .
21 Over the past few decades , in particular , in structuralist anthropology , psychoanalysis , and Marxist theory , there has been a major theoretical effort to challenge the naturalness of the ‘ unitary subject ’ in social theory , to see the individual as a product of social forces , an ‘ ensemble of social relations ’ , rather than as a simple natural unity .
22 If not , the ratification of Maastricht should not be taken as a signal that the Europe of the past few decades has been assured of perpetuity , but rather that a redefinition of its ambitions is overdue .
23 Diatom analyses of long-term sediment cores from two lakes in south-west Scotland also revealed marked increases in acidity , especially beginning around 1850 but accelerating during the past few decades ( figure 4.9 ) .
24 In southern Sweden , reduced calcium in acidified soils is believed to have caused a decline in terrestrial mollusc numbers and species in the past few decades .
25 Given that suspended particulates have been the subject of pollution control policies dating back to the nineteenth century , it is not surprising that total emissions and average urban concentrations of particulates have decreased markedly during the past few decades .
26 Considerable progress has been made in improving air quality in the United States during the past few decades but greater improvement is still needed ( figure 8.13 ) .
27 Citizenship , regarded in this way , has played an increasingly important part in political thought and controversy during the past few decades .
28 Nevertheless , the model has inspired much detailed historical research — indeed it has contributed substantially to the progress of economic and social history — and in the past few decades , partly as a result of the publication of previously inaccessible manuscripts of Marx , there have been some valuable contributions to Marxist scholarship addressed to the kinds of problem that I have indicated , concerning modes of production , tribal ( that is , primitive communal ) societies , historical sequences , and the relation of political power to forms of society .
29 The social movements based upon the latter affiliations , which were discussed in Chapter 2 , have assumed much greater political importance during the past few decades , and their development , like that of youth movements , needs to be examined in relation to wider social changes .
30 During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries , pH declined , in the past few decades to less than 5.0 in some lakes , a level toxic to many aquatic organisms .
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