Example sentences of "[art] [noun] to bring [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Valuable time was lost , the troops opposed to us were able to recover from the disorganization produced by our first attack , and the enemy was given the opportunity to bring up reinforcements . ’
2 According to D'Angelo , the festival will also offer existing venues the opportunity to bring in new audiences whom they may then attract on a more regular basis for their standard programming .
3 ‘ Until we get promotion , we wo n't get the crowds to bring in the money to get the top players .
4 Her negative attitudes were the result of a harsh life : a sickly , poverty-stricken childhood , the horrors of the war , the struggle to bring up two children and look after an invalid husband .
5 It is the verb to bring down that forges the link between the otherwise still nouns and pronoun in the sentence .
6 It is likely that if an ‘ order in council ’ is to be confirmed as law , it will require an affirmative resolution of the Houses to bring about this result ( see above , pp.86–7 ) but such a procedure is not mandatory .
7 The platoons were losing much of their mobility in these static patrols , and the Japanese developments along the eastern seaboard reduced the opportunities to bring in supplies .
8 Nor could I believe that it was the intention to bring in at a single stroke a charge to tax that would be calculated to interrupt the education and expectations of so many parents and children , for it is surely common knowledge that the provision of free or subsidised education for the children of those teaching in independent schools was part of their usual terms of employment and that the salaries paid would be wholly insufficient to meet a charge to tax based on the full fees of the school .
9 She crossed one leg over the other , and he 'd forgotten the incident again until he 'd gone to the car to bring in his brief case and check on the records before they went down to eat and to listen to the Donegal sound of Michael and his boys in the Connemara suite .
10 To add to this demoralising sense of isolation , the tenacious curtain of smoke from the bombardment meant that the front line frequently could not see the supporting troops behind ; nor , worse still , could their rockets of supplication asking for the artillery to bring down a barrage , or cease shelling their own positions , be seen at the rear .
11 Any attempt by the administration to bring about a comprehensive lifting of sanctions before all US conditions were met had long been expected to meet strong opposition in Congress .
12 Scottish Enterprise , the successor to the Scottish Development Agency which was the driving force behind the plan to bring in leisure and commerce to the Waterfront , has given the council seven days to pay for extensive infrastructure works or face court proceedings .
13 These authorities suggest that a promise to pay money , or to do any other act , in a certain event but without any express or implied request to the promisee to bring about , or to promise to bring about , that event , is made without consideration .
14 Now the area was being done up by the young middle class , he stubbornly refused to paint his house and remained firmly working class to the extent of asking the Council to bring back his outside toilet .
15 It states that Aksum was eight days ' journey inland from Adulis , a port on the Red Sea established by Greek traders sent by the Ptolemys to bring back elephants to be trained for war .
16 They clambered to respectability by continually putting their own house in order , and in a way the battle to bring in not only the middle classes but the religious , the political , and the serious-minded took far more energy and ingenuity than winning that initial mass audience .
17 Sons would volunteer and rush off to the village to bring back a ‘ set of couches ’ , proudly waiting for the praise which she would generously give , though they might not be quite what she expected .
18 Instead of leaving the spreadsheet package and typing a memo , they can go into a menu option in the spreadsheet to bring up a dialogue box for e-mail .
19 Efforts are initially made to persuade the parents to bring up the child at home , but where this does not prove successful or is not considered a wise step , some form of full-time residential care is required .
20 The purpose of this body would be to bridge the gap between the professions and the community to bring about a coordinated , coherent response to the issue .
21 Dr. Mawhinney has become accustomed over the years to bring in the middle of political contention and has taken very good care to cultivate his patch .
22 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
23 Once pupils begin to see how activities can build from ideas and objects others bring in , they gain the confidence to bring in things that interest them .
24 There was a campaign after the war to bring back Tottenham puddings they had somebody in Harlow who was
25 While the stated reason for moving to the resort was the desire to bring up one 's children in a healthy place , the less readily acknowledged reason was to ‘ better oneself ’ .
26 He mentioned the need to bring out the practical application of subjects , in ways which would enhance rather than displace theoretical understanding .
27 Sometime before the guests were due to arrive , Mark went down to the cellar to bring up the wine .
28 ITV is involved in a race with the BBC to bring out the first film drama of his life .
29 Oh fucking hell , I was gon na try and remember some of the questions to bring in but I did n't .
30 I felt that he might be the person to bring out the spiritual element in Joyce 's life , as well as the comedy .
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