Example sentences of "[art] [noun] set [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We have audited the accounts set out on pages eight to fourteen in accordance with auditing standards .
2 ‘ I 've got the money set aside , ’ she said .
3 Before the 1967 Act , the company acquiring the computer would have no remedy for this innocent misrepresentation , unless it was deemed to be a contractual term , as it would be too late to have the contract set aside .
4 We feel this er this will hamper economic development in the district , it 'll prevent us er achieving the proposals set out in er in our local plan and we 're asking for thirty five hectares , an increase of ten hectares only .
5 Leaving Christian pulling on his boots with the intention of going to assist the gipsies , Seb made his way to the camp set up by the road-makers .
6 Setting aside the exact figures chair , I think Leeds position is that left late at the goalposts set down by R P G two , erm our members are the City Council 's grasped the mettle of accommodating the level of accommodation that that implies .
7 We thought all our problems were over when we finally got the rig set up , but now we 've got to examine a deluge of fresh rock ! ’
8 At the same time , the company 's interests had spread all over the world , far beyond the milk-round set up by his father .
9 Mr Summerchild , it was pointed out , was employed in the Government Commission , the department set up by Harold Wilson in 1965 to coordinate the workings of the various ministries .
10 The rhythm set up by their labour is pursued in the waving branches of the trees framing the scene and in the patterns created within the landscape .
11 The estimates for nineteen ninety-four , ninety-five , and the guidelines set out in the report for nineteen ninety-three , ninety-four .
12 We can develop in Europe only within the guidelines set out by Central Government , a Government quite clear that a joining of the attitudes and minds is desirable , not federalism .
13 And with this would come a second liberation for women , the freedom to transcend the roles set up by figures like Annie Lennox and Janet Jackson , and to recover the right not to be strong , independent , immaculately in control .
14 Duncan Graham was the first boss of the council set up by the Government to decide what should be taught in schools .
15 They used bulldozers to break the barriers set up by UNIFIL troops to protect the villages .
16 The private sector can not invest in the circumstances set out in the bill , because they need very long franchises with control of all the means of production , the track , the trains , the stations , the total business .
17 On April 29 , the co-ordinator of the UN programme for returning Kurdish refugees said that the $100,000,000 set aside for the operation was totally inadequate .
18 The corollary is obvious : a printing office employing women at low wages to do straight setting could dispense with a number of ordinary linesmen , keeping on only a highly skilled minority of men at rather above normal wages to " service " the type set up by the women .
19 Section 5 of the Business Names Act 1985 provides that where a person fails to comply with the requirement set out in s. 5 and thereafter seeks to enforce a business contract with a party in default by means of a court action , ( a ) if the person in default can establish that he or she has a claim against the proprietor , which due to the proprietor 's failure to comply with s. 5 he or she has been unable to pursue , or ( b ) if a breach by the proprietor of s. 5 has caused the person in default some financial loss , the proprietor 's claim shall be dismissed , unless it is ‘ just and equitable ’ that the proprietor should be allowed to continue the action .
20 now reverting again please if you would to the one we first looked at which is er , see the costs set out on page thirty one there and we can see under personal costs with the star that refers please note that these charges are an average and depend on personal electricity consumption and are subject to verification and local authority assessment , er did you understand the difference between the management charge and the service charge ?
21 Through the condensation set up by the intake of cooler air into a warm-blooded animal , a dolphin receives a supply of fresh non-salt water when breathing .
22 He was elected vice-chairman of the Basic Law Consultative Committee , the body set up by Peking to promote awareness and discussion of post-1997 constitutional arrangements in Hong Kong .
23 Shares in some 30 other companies have been sequestered and put in the control of the Presidential Commission on Good Government , the body set up by Mrs Aquino to untangle the financial affairs of the Marcos era .
24 Out went the Lovebooks set up by Miles and John Hopkins ; its new holding company was KNULLAR , which could be , the paper suggested in August , the ‘ Karmic Neo-Universal League for Liberty and Reality ’ ; but to a Swede , It pointed out ‘ it could mean something entirely different ’ — ‘ fuck ’ to be precise .
25 David agreed to relay the feelings of the Programme Group that subsidy should be considered to the group set up by the Open College to negotiate with the denominations and with suitable trusts concerning the setting up of financial support for courses , training , etc .
26 The horse got the message.and set off once more at a lively gait .
27 By notice of appeal dated 22 April 1992 the father appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that any consideration of the children 's welfare in the context of a judicial discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention was relevant only as a material factor if it met the test of placing the children in an ‘ intolerable situation ’ under article 13 ( b ) ; ( 2 ) the judge should have limited considerations of welfare to the criteria for welfare laid down by the Convention itself ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that in the context of the exercise of the discretion permitted by article 13 ( a ) the court was limited to a consideration of the nature and quality of the father 's acquiescence ( as found by the Court of Appeal ) ; ( 4 ) in the premises , despite her acknowledgment that the exercise of her discretion had to be seen in the context of the Convention , the judge exercised a discretion based on a welfare test appropriate to wardship proceedings ; ( 5 ) the judge was further in error as a matter of law in not perceiving as the starting point for the exercise of her discretion the proposition that under the Convention the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the state from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 6 ) the judge , having found that on the ability to determine the issue between the parents there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England , was wrong not to conclude that as a consequence the mother had failed to displace the fundamental premise of the Convention that the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the country from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 7 ) the judge also misdirected herself when considering which court should decide the future of the children ( a ) by applying considerations more appropriate to the doctrine of forum conveniens and ( b ) by having regard to the likely outcome of the hearing in that court contrary to the principles set out in In re F. ( A Minor ) ( Abduction : Custody Rights ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 25 ; ( 8 ) in the alternative , if the judge was right to apply the forum conveniens approach , she failed to have regard to the following facts and matters : ( a ) that the parties were married in Australia ; ( b ) that the parties had spent the majority of their married life in Australia ; ( c ) that the children were born in Australia and were Australian citizens ; ( d ) that the children had spent the majority of their lives in Australia ; ( e ) the matters referred to in ground ( 9 ) ; ( 9 ) in any event on the facts the judge was wrong to find that there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England as fora for deciding the children 's future ; ( 11 ) the judge was wrong on the facts to find that there had been a change in the circumstances to which the mother would be returning in Australia given the findings made by Thorpe J. that ( a ) the former matrimonial home was to be sold ; ( b ) it would be unavailable for occupation by the mother and the children after 7 February 1992 ; and ( c ) there would be no financial support for the mother other than state benefits : matters which neither Thorpe J. nor the Court of Appeal found amounted to ‘ an intolerable situation . ’
28 What we 've got is two centres working together with a member management sub-committee they 've retained the power to determine future management and staffi and staffing arrangements based on the principles set out below .
29 Similar thoughts may have crossed his mind one week into the run when , on the night set aside to entertain employees , families and friends of Irish Life — who were sponsoring the festival — Archaos refused to perform proclaiming to the gathered throng that they had yet to be paid .
30 Nothing was omitted , no aspect of her being was not party to this miraculous moment of ultimate sharing , and in the final vibration of the after-shock set up by the last incredible convulsion of ecstasy , she heard Luke gasping her name and understood that she did n't hate him and never had .
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