Example sentences of "[art] [noun] look around " in BNC.

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1 So they 've heard a lot about what happens here and they 've had the opportunity to look around .
2 Providing opportunities runs through two aspects of management : unless colleagues are given the opportunity to understand the world outside education , unless they have the opportunity to look around and to come to some new conclusions of their own about what they are doing , the head will say that he or she is failing .
3 The priest looked around at them and curled his lip .
4 They sat around one end of the work table , which now seemed vast and empty , and Alina Peterson explained how she 'd walked down to the village to look around and , where it seemed appropriate , to introduce herself .
5 The boy looked around wildly for Garvey , and saw him leaning against the property wagon quietly chewing sugar-beet .
6 The boy looked around like a trapped animal .
7 Several people in the bar looked around and Knocker moved closer to the bar flap .
8 Allow the viewers to look around on their own .
9 He stepped down onto the platform looking around but there was nowhere she could hide , as if she would !
10 The road back was easy and she had the chance to look around .
11 At the sound of footsteps the Captain looked around , and frowned when he saw it was Mum bearing down on him .
12 Karlinsky sipped water and waited while the people looked around , each encouraging the other to ask a question .
13 We 'd made three or four visits to the area to look around before we finally moved down , but I had no real idea what was happening .
14 The woman looked around middle age — although , according to the notes , she was only thirty-eight — very thin , except for a grossly enlarged abdomen , and her yellowish hair was stringy and uncombed .
15 The man looked around and then , almost absent-mindedly , drew a shod throwing knife from his bandolier and hurled it .
16 The friar looked around .
17 We watched a new entrant to the profession looking around at her colleagues for clues as to how to resolve the tensions , whilst doing as little damage to her integrity ( and her career prospects ) as possible .
18 Holograms are 3 dimensional images of scenes and events , enabling the viewer to look around from side to side , up and down to see different areas of the subject .
19 Straightening , the Doctor looked around , noticing for the first time that the hill he had asked about earlier when he was with Howard , was also visible from here .
20 The Doctor looked around from under the stairwell when the alarm began hooting , but saw nothing .
21 A faint vibration briefly throbbed through the floor , and the Doctor looked around in alarm .
22 ‘ You 'll be moving in there once we 're married , and it 'll give you a chance to look around . ’
23 She sipped it through a straw looking around with interest .
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