Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] evidence " in BNC.

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1 By dint of careful and meticulous research she was able to provide the defence with evidence that every significant statement published in the Sunday Telegraph had been published somewhere already in a newspaper , a magazine or a book .
2 The majority of evidence appears to support the concept that hypertension has an adverse effect on prognosis in the diabetic .
3 Here the link with evidence may be tenuous , with the result that national myths are bolstered and well-known but inappropriate events from our past cited in support of current policy .
4 One of the fascinations of History is the variety of evidence and interpretation available to writers and readers .
5 There are three main reasons for retaining records : organisational needs , fulfilment of statutory requirements , and for the provision of evidence in case of dispute .
6 At its core was very bad news : it remains true that the Tobacco Institute of Australia was guilty in 1986 of misleading and deceiving the Australian public about the existence of evidence which might ( according to many ) be reasonably said to prove that passive smoking was harmful .
7 ‘ the function of the judge at a criminal trial as respects the admission of evidence is to ensure that the accused has a fair trial according to law .
8 Now , on any view , this was both an inadequate and a misleading indication to the driver of the nature of his right under section 8(2) and what the exercise of that right would involve and I agree entirely with the decision of the Divisional Court allowing the defendant 's appeal from his conviction of an offence under section 5 by justices based on the admission in evidence of the breath specimen .
9 They were straying back into the realms of evidence , and that would be a matter for the court when the Proof was heard .
10 It should also be pointed out that the Crown , in the shape of the Ministry of Defence , has said that no objection would be raised to Dr. Hayes giving evidence in strictly controlled circumstances similar to those which applied in the case of evidence furnished by Mr. Feraday in accordance with an agreement dated 22 August 1991 exhibited to an affidavit of Mr. David Brummell dated 13 April 1992 .
11 In the present case we have the advantage of evidence which the judge lacked : in particular the mother 's statement and the Official Solicitor 's report .
12 The tribunal itself need do nothing to further the appeal , other than making available the notes of evidence and the chairman 's record of the hearing .
13 The plaintiff must then put in the notes of evidence from the magistrates ' court ( or the Crown Court ) with a r21 notice and apply for directions under r28 in order to force the defendant to call all the witnesses from the magistrates ' court to give evidence in the civil trial .
14 This may mean having to call some or all of the witnesses from the magistrates ' court or Crown Court and he may not just be given leave to put in the notes of evidence .
15 Otherwise the reign is distinctive for the want of evidence of royal pressure and of protracted vacancies .
16 The work of Clarricoates shows that when boys do not do well , the tendency is to explain it in terms of their ‘ independence ’ and their ‘ free spirits ’ ; their wrong answers are an indication of their ‘ divergent thinking ’ ; their failure to follow the rules as evidence of their intellectual non-conformity .
17 The rules of evidence are in fact much tougher — defendants have no right to silence — and this raises complex legal questions .
18 He gave the jury a list of Meehan 's past convictions , knowing that he was prevented by the rules of evidence from telling them that Waddell was at that moment serving a sentence in Barlinnie for wounding or that he had served a previous sentence for perjury at Meehan 's trial .
19 Some people would argue that many applications for judicial review which are heard by courts in fact involve wider political and administrative issues ; and that the rules of evidence and procedure in such cases should be changed to allow interested third parties to ‘ intervene ’ in the proceedings and to allow relevant information to be given about the likely impact of a decision one way or the other on the administrative process and on the public at large .
20 Procedure before the industrial tribunal is relatively simple , being designed to make applications easy to process without legal advice , and the rules of evidence are not strictly applied by the tribunal .
21 There are plenty of occasions when the High Court exercises a supervisory jurisdiction over tribunals or bodies whose procedures allow for a more relaxed approach to the rules of evidence , but this does not detract from the fact that the High Court is performing the functions of the High Court when it exercises this jurisdiction .
22 Two of the most important aspects of the hearing are the type of hearing required and the rules of evidence that will apply .
23 Fourthly , the rules of evidence in sexual assault cases have been substantially altered .
24 One way of approaching the problem of consent through law reform is to change the rules of evidence relating to corroboration and sexual history .
25 There is therefore a growing feeling among tenants that , since an expert is not tied to the rules of evidence , his judgment may be a more accurate reflector of the real market .
26 The rules of evidence which apply to proceedings in the High Court , county court and family proceedings court apply to proceedings under the Children Act 1989 except where the Act provides otherwise .
27 Section 45(7) allows the court to waive the rules of evidence generally in any application for , or relating to , an emergency protection order ( s45(7) ) .
28 The rules of evidence which apply are discussed in Chapter 6 .
29 Given the division of evidence , the stewards offered the three protesting teams the chance to withdraw their objections to Hunt 's victory .
30 It means blind trust , in the absence of evidence , even in the teeth of evidence .
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