Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] shall " in BNC.

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1 We do not seek a quick ‘ one-off ’ sale , after which we shall disappear from your life for ever .
2 I shall allow questions to continue until 4.30 , after which we shall have to move on to the debate .
3 It is this issue , the interplay of ideas about gender and gender roles with the creation of discord or harmony in community relationships , about which I shall be concerned below .
4 The origin of the field is , in effect , the magnetic field at the source region of the wind , that is , the surface of the Sun , though this is an extremely complicated phenomenon about which I shall say very little .
5 Here in embryo is not only the issue of moral relativity , about which I shall have more to say in my next chapter , but also the sentimental concept of the Noble Savage .
6 At present , many new nation states are being created in Eastern Europe , and alongside this process there is also the development , perhaps , of a new kind of ‘ European nationalism ’ , about which I shall have more to say in the next chapter .
7 So he experienced society from the bottom up , before talent and determination made room at the top for him : ‘ That was a most valuable bit of education for which I shall always be grateful both to my bourgeois ancestry as well as to the regime , ’ he was to say later .
8 By the next letter : ‘ I am planning a large and sumptuous ballet on fisherman and his soul , for which I shall use the Moussorgsky . ’
9 My own belief , for which I shall attempt to argue , is that , whatever may become of the GCSE ( and its future seems very speculative ) , A levels should gradually be made redundant .
10 Apart from doing the job of Principal ( for which I shall need a lot of help from the Lord ) , and living as a Christian I do n't yet know what the Lord wants me to do out there .
11 Into the vacancy in men 's minds left by the retreat of the centennial myths of Christianity , crept strange cults and substitute faiths , some of which we shall look at in chapter ten .
12 Before we can proceed further we have to grasp a fundamental distinction which the Zande draw between two kinds of occult power , the first of which we shall call ‘ sorcery ’ and the second ‘ witchcraft ’ .
13 Other tribal cosmologies exhibit analogous features some of which we shall consider later .
14 This was most clearly shown by Paul Dirac 's formulation of the general principles of quantum theory , of which we shall give some account in the following chapter .
15 He first isolated pure lines of eight paired traits ; of which we shall confine ourselves to the lines of tall ’ and ‘ short ’ peas .
16 Saussure speaks of semiology ( 1974 : 16 ) as a ‘ science that studies the life of signs within society ’ , a science of which we shall hear more in the chapter on modern French structuralism .
17 It has always been noticed that information technology skills , of which we shall need more and more in the coming years , have tended to lag behind the demand for those skills .
18 There were , and still are of course , immense difficulties in the way of quantifying human phenomena , some of which we shall touch on later .
19 A Chairman shall be appointed for each meeting , at the close of which he shall name the Chairman for the one following , and the Member so named shall act in that capacity , unless the Meeting by a majority agree to some other .
20 ‘ Take your son , your only son , whom you love , Isaac , and go to the land of Moriah , and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you . ’
21 The need for such a sketch is obvious when one recalls that ritual and ritualistic ideas can make sense only when taken in reference to a total structure of thought and system of social and historical reality ( most of which I shall , of course , be able only to touch on here ) .
22 Many examples could be given , of which I shall mention two .
23 I should like to make two points , the first of which I shall put into italics , since this seems to be your favourite mode of utterance .
24 The earliest part of curve B corresponds to this , then there is a lull , and then a broad peak in bombardment from a fresh supply of small bodies the possible nature of which I shall discuss in section 8.2 .
25 There is the North Atlantic Council consultative meeting and the conference on security and co-operation in Europe ministerial meeting this month ; the North Atlantic Council meeting in Oslo in June ; the economic summit of the Group of Seven in Munich in July and the CSCE summit in Helsinki in July , both of which I shall attend with my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister ; the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September ; the CSCE council of ministers in Stockholm in early December , and Western European Union ministerial meetings in June and November .
26 The instrument with which we shall purge our minds is the idea that I call the extended phenotype .
27 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
28 The aspect of lunar origin with which I shall be primarily concerned here is how the Earth came to get its Moon .
29 That is agreed by the professions , with which I shall be having further discussion shortly .
30 I begin by joining my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) in lending my full support to the Prime Minister in everything that he said , and in giving my full support to the motion — although I fear that my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley and I may not be able to agree on other matters , with which I shall deal later .
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