Example sentences of "[prep] a given [noun] " in BNC.

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1 First , in the large majority of civil law systems a dispossessed owner is barred from claiming back a stolen work of art after a given number of years if the purchaser is in good faith .
2 I have said ( in Chapter 2 ) that one can calculate the rate of protein synthesis by injecting a radioactively labelled amino acid into the bloodstream and measuring the amount of radioactivity to be found in the protein of particular brain regions after a given time .
3 If terms like ‘ affective psychosis ’ , ‘ schizophrenia ’ and ‘ schizoaffective disorder ’ have a use , therefore , it is merely as labels of convenience , as shorthand descriptors of the flavour of a given individual 's form of insanity — and even then often only at a certain point in time and subject to qualifications as to the severity of disability .
4 A mental event is individuated , first , as being within the consciousness of a given individual .
5 Examination of this material ( very much as described in Chapter 2 ) enables the identification of the dies used in the sample , and one can then work out the total number of dies represented in the sample of a given size .
6 They point out that the model predicts that a stimulus will lose associability if it is consistently followed by a reinforcer of a given size but that if the size of the reinforcer varies from trial to trial then associability will be maintained .
7 Power calculations ( the power of a study of a given size to detect a particular difference ) were applied prospectively to quantify the size of study required to detect a change of 40% with a power of 90% ( vide supra ) .
8 This concerns the division of a given change in aggregate demand between price responses and output responses .
9 By corollary monetary policies which are geared to stabilizing the rate of growth of the money supply ( or , more generally , reducing the unanticipated component of a given change in the money supply ) will eliminate the cyclical fluctuation in unemployment .
10 The meaning of a given sentence , so far as it has one , is not some determinate characteristic which it carries around with it .
11 We might hold that the meaning of a given sentence is so rich and particular that it could never be captured by another sentence in a different language .
12 In such circumstances the procedure might be able to decide the equivalence of a given pair of programs , and would in all other cases reduce the question of their equivalence to a boolean expression .
13 We should acknowledge at the outset that there may be many cases ( like that illustrated in Fig. 3.1 ) in which presentation of a given stimulus has been shown to result in both latent inhibition and the habituation of a UR .
14 Repeated presentation of a given stimulus , therefore , will allow a network of links to be established among the elements that go to make it up ( particularly strong links being formed among those elements that tend to be sampled frequently ) .
15 By stereophonic means a situation was created such that each ear heard the same two virtually simultaneous messages but , due to a very small difference in the time of arrival of a given stimulus at the two ears , one message appeared to come from the subject 's left while the other appeared to come from the right .
16 Yet it is much more than an attack on the policies of a given minister .
17 Suggestions have included the proportion of adults who can read , or the proportion of females attending primary school ; one can be sure that the higher either of these indicators go , the more the basic educational needs of all members of a given society are being met .
18 At some points in the history of a given society people have rebelled and challenged this inequality ; at other points they have meekly accepted their subordination ; but probably most of the time people adopt a posture midway between these two extremes .
19 It is therefore the means by which the individual is socialized as a member of a given society , and is , in turn the form of all individual and social creativity .
20 Moreover , since there is no irreducible kernel of class interest which in the last analysis guides all else , the ideas , the culture , the religion of a given society may well play a critical role in explaining social and political development .
21 Within this tendency , the basic ‘ facts ’ or ‘ structure ’ of a given society and/or period are received or are established by general analysis , and their ‘ reflection ’ in actual works is more or less directly traced .
22 To regard it as a picture of a given society leads in turn to history , politics or sociology .
23 Confirmatory techniques exist to assess how likely a difference of proportions of a given magnitude is to arise in sample data when it has been drawn from a population in which no such difference exists .
24 In this context , texture is the visual equivalent of the ‘ feel ’ of a given surface .
25 However the term includes not only the different forms of a given verb , adjective or noun ( ‘ tree'/ ‘ trees ’ ) , but all types of association of form and meaning .
26 Otherwise that consumer could rearrange purchases out of a given income to make himself or herself better off .
27 The Marxist approach is one of fitting political activity within the confines of a given ideology .
28 The suggested causes of a given phenomenon can not always be independently observed , and so it is hard to rule out the possibility of there being explanations alternative to the one proposed .
29 The selection of an individual theme of a given clause in a given text is not in itself particularly significant .
30 There are several tried and tested arrangements of units and appliances which will give an idea of the use you can make of a given shape : The one-wall kitchen , the U-plan kitchen , the L-shaped kitchen and the galley kitchen .
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