Example sentences of "[prep] a single [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Table 11.3 gives a guide to the duration of jet-lag that might be expected after a single journey .
2 Murine epidermal cells ( EC ) were treated with trypsin in EDTA ( TE ) or trypsin in calcium ( TC ) , stained for E- or P-cadherins and I-A antigens , and analysed by two-colour flow cytometry. a , c , e , Cadherin-specific ( phycoerythrin ) fluorescence on I-A - ( FITC - ) KC ; b , d , f , phycoerythrin fluorescence on I-A + LC. a , b , EC stained after a single exposure to trypsin in calcium during epidermal separation .
3 Grimm , however , had set the drumstick aside after a single bite .
4 What were you after a single bed or a double bed ?
5 The serum concentration-time curves of 5-ASA and Ac-5-ASA after a single dose of the different preparations in healthy volunteers are given in the figure .
6 In contrast , Rijk et al evaluated the faecal excretions of healthy volunteers with accelerated transit time after a single dose .
7 After a single trample event , it was observed that the structure of fresh tawny owl pellets broke down , no longer protecting the bones inside them .
8 Previous reports have found that parity did not increase the risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease , increased the risk after a single pregnancy , or only increased the risk after several pregnancies .
9 Like many cephalopods , it has a curious life cycle : after growing very rapidly , reaching sexual maturity in just four months , it dies after a single breeding session .
10 The woman she seemed to have become over the course of a single weekend — just forty-eight hours — bore no resemblance to the vague mental picture she had always , possibly complacently , had of herself .
11 But in the space of a single weekend — I fear — ’
12 He discovered that in order to isolate and demonstrate the importance — or otherwise — of a single factor , he must take more work on board than he had intended : he must attempt a complete English political history from the battle of Sedgemoor ( 1685 ) to the Peace of Amiens ( 1802 ) .
13 The repossession epidemic is largely the result of a single factor — the record interest rates during 1989 and 1990 ( see the main graph ) .
14 Here we present a simple hierarchical model which also relaxes the assumptions of constant returns to scale and perfect competition , although we revert to the assumption of a single factor , labour , which is taken as the numeraire .
15 Her early education had been poor because of the misconception amongst her teachers that language ability and intelligence were somehow different facts of a single concept , and it was only in later life , with the help of her husband , that she 'd been able to make up on the intellectual deprivation of those early years .
16 But the most surprising fact about this is that all these events took place during the deposition of a single graptolite zone .
17 at the twist of a single tap .
18 Flapped Formed like a rolled consonant but consisting of a single tap only , eg flapped /r/ .
19 We have only examined the legal issues from a narrow perspective ( Walden 1993 ; Gränström 1993 ) , they could be the focus of a single seminar alone ( see Postscript , 317 ) .
20 But though composed in ignorance of rival works , many of these writings were seen at the time , naturally and unhesitatingly , as the product of a single mood and of a single set of mind .
21 Obviously the gallery owner makes a calculated risk by devoting wall space entirely to the work of a single artist .
22 It seemed unlikely that he could be as devastated by the death of a single patient as Julia had made out in her letters , but then she had never really understood him .
23 Despite their constant preoccupation with temporal phenomena , the Maya never attained the idea of time as the journey of a single bearer with his load .
24 This is probably the only occasion when the use of a single stack promotes poor program structure .
25 ‘ In the midst of this huge model of an Empire on which the sun never sets , the centre of public attention is this little house which the flame of a single candle could gut in five minutes . ’
26 It turned easily and she pushed the door open , stepping at the same moment into the kitchen and the rosy glow of firelight and the small flame of a single candle .
27 Recall of a single fact , or the carrying out of a single act
28 It will be argued that one of these types of variation involves the selection , by the context , of different units of sense , while the other type is a matter of contextual modification of a single sense .
29 To summarise : a lexeme is a family of lexical units ; a lexical unit is the union of a single sense with a lexical form ; a lexical form is an abstraction from a set of word forms ( or alternatively — it is a family of word forms ) which differ only in respect of inflections .
30 Soon he saw that his way of presenting the threat in terms of a single territory that should not be torn apart was not understood by the people .
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