Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] term " in BNC.

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1 Tennant succeeds Lord Carrington who is due to retire after a five-year term as Chairman of Christie 's International next May .
2 The mandate of the provisional President , Joseph Nerette , which had been due to expire on Jan. 8 after a three-month term , was extended indefinitely [ see p. 38523 ] .
3 ( In hyponymy , the meaning of a specific term , such as tulip , is ‘ included ’ in the meaning of a more general term , flower . )
4 The statutes may provide that a separate category of shares may , after the expiration of a fixed term , become vested in a foundation or a non-profit making entity and separate rules apply to such shares if they are designed to benefit the employees of the company .
5 The policy wordings provide cover for unemployment occurring during the period of a fixed term contract .
6 If the employment contract is not renewed at the end of the 2 year period benefit should not be paid as the policy wordings exclude ‘ unemployment which arises at the normal termination date of a fixed term contract ’ .
7 Certificates of deposit ( CDs ) are certificates issued by banks to customers ( usually firms ) for large deposits of a fixed term ( e.g. £100 000 for eighteen months ) .
8 So we can put some limits on the project : the chairs must be upholstered ; modern in the simplicity of their lines but not ‘ Cubist ’ for want of a better term ; easy on the eye and bottom ; they should fit in with other existing furniture ; and naturally should be of strong construction so that they will be heirloom quality .
9 Among the supporters of what can be called , for want of a better term , the democrats are three important groups .
10 On the other hand , the ‘ behaviourists ’ ( for want of a better term ) argue that the responsibility lies fairly and squarely with individuals who are now fully informed of the dangers they face in perpetuating life-threatening behaviours .
11 This error is what might , for want of a better term , be called the individualistic fallacy — a methodological heresy which nicely complements the equally absurd holistic fallacy in the social sciences .
12 remind you that all money at the moment goes either to first which is n't quite so bad cos they 're family but a vast amount goes into and , both of whom have therefore access to our commercial sensitive , for want of a better term , information and we want to control that .
13 WITH the prospect of a five-year term , John Major has set himself a formidable agenda .
14 Although she has been teaching now for some eight years , on and off , although she enjoys it , feels she is good at it , and would like to go on doing it for the rest of her life if possible , she always feels a twinge of anxiety at the beginning of a new term .
15 The proceeds were used primarily to repay a portion of a medium term loan falling due in 1993 , prior to maturity , and to lengthen the debt profile .
16 ( 2 ) The only interests or charges in or over land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are — ( a ) An easement , right or privilege in or over land for an interest equivalent to an estate in fee simple absolute in possession or a term of years absolute ; ( b ) A rentcharge in possession issuing out of or charged on land being either perpetual or for a term of years absolute ; ( c ) A charge by way of legal mortgage ; ( d ) … any other similar charge on land which is not created by an instrument ; ( e ) Rights of entry exercisable over or in respect of a legal term of years absolute , or annexed , for any purpose , to a legal rentcharge .
17 As part of a long term study of child development these workers assessed 954 seven-year-olds of an original sample of 1037 children born between 1 April , 1972 and 31 March , 1973 in the city of Dunedin , New Zealand .
18 Lower than a thousand units er there 's no immediate affect and one 's tempted to think that erm the er er it 's , that radiation 's therefore safe below that level and that 's not strictly true because there is the possibility of a long term affect it can actually cause cancer in the long term but with very low er ra- er levels of risk cos you can see down at the levels where people actually get radiation doses er like erm members of the public or erm from the actual background of people who work in nuclear power stations , you 're talking about very low levels but the levels , those sort of levels I mean one in three hundred thousand , one in three million , that sort of thing you ca n't actually measure in real er populations because there er any effects that there are can be swamped by other ways of getting er of getting cancer .
19 In America , where there was a comparative absence of a long term aristocracy , these social hierarchies took on a particularly strong pecuniary emphasis .
20 One simple explanation for the absence of a long term reputation building in our model is that the dominant strategy type is of measure zero in the priors , so it is impossible for other types to credibly acquire a reputation .
21 During 1992 the Board approved the introduction of a Long Term Incentive Plan which will change the manner in which Executive Directors and Senior Executives in the Group are remunerated .
22 The scale of fee should be commensurate with the risk undertaken , except where this could be detrimental to the establishment of a long term recurring client relationship , in so far as such opportunity presents itself when acting for a vendor client .
23 The recent announcement of a long term collaboration agreement with JCI on the development of fuel cells is , I believe , only the first example of this .
24 Those parts of the drying system recently installed will be retained with the new sections being added as part of a long term policy of improvements .
25 Premises at East Tullos in Aberdeen are being extended and upgraded at a cost of £0 5 million in support of a long term logistics partnering contract awarded by Enterprise Oil during the year .
26 That might seem like a long time , but the issues have clearly been complex , and have been progressed as quickly as possible not least through vigourous prodding by the D O E , keen to see approval of a long term development strategy for Greater York and more importantly , a statutory definition of the York gre greenbelt .
27 It would seem to me that if you 've got to prove a case that there that it is the place of last resort , and that place of last resort has got to be at least five thousand dwellings , you are in a place where there is absolute massive growth of demand , and improbably no one has been able to meet a five year supply of housing land , if you are to meet it in the term , if y if those are the criteria to meeting the terms of th of this sort of plan , and in fact what I would submit is that a new settlement solution is very much a part and parcel of a long term solution , and that 's where essentially the County strategy is quite right in proposing a new settlement in the context of the greenbelt , because also greenbelt is a long term solution .
28 Er I 'd just like to come back on three fairly brief points that er one of which was mentioned by Michael Courcier , two of which er relate to that , and were helpfully stimulated in discussion during the tea break , erm Michael Courcier , I think if I got him right , said , he did say we ca n't produce demographic forecasts for post two thousand and six but I think he was fairly guarded in saying it it would n't be wise or or whatever , erm I would suggest in this context , and in the context of , and I use the word emerging and I look for advice as to when emerging regional planning guidance , and when will be the end date of that regional planning guidance , I say we should be looking beyond two thousand and six , I say we can look beyond two thousand and six , and I would suggest we do it in the way of arrange , which would be highly appropriate way of doing it , not too dissimilar to road traffic forecasts , low medium and high growth , and if , to put the point simplistically , if we have arrived at a requirement figure of nine seven for Greater York for a specific period , if we were to either project that forward by five or ten years , obviously we could n't just simply go rata , but if you took a low figure and you halved it on the basis of the make up , the demographic make up , of how the nine seven had been arrived at it would be possible to produce a range , that then relates to the question of a new settlement , and the alternatives during the period to two thousand and six , and beyond , of that new settlement , and I go back again to the greenbelt , it is vitally important to do that in the terms of a long term defined greenbelt , therefore again in that context , I would say it is highly desirable , if not necessary , to revisit the periphery of York , it has not been examined in a local plan , it has not been examined in terms of environmental impact , with all due respect to the Greater York working party their , the level of analysis of those peripheral blocks of land was fairly cursory , on a limited number of planning criteria , if a new settlement is to be assessed alongside expansion of Greater York we have to revisit it in much much greater detail .
29 But the second perspective is that the rent review clause is the landlord 's price for the grant of a long term , in the absence of which he would have granted a shorter term .
30 Okay so it 's more of a long term
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