Example sentences of "[prep] the winter when " in BNC.

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1 They need a home where they will be safe from hunting animals such as bears or lynx and they also need a place to store food for the winter when the land is snow-bound .
2 During the winter when the stock were indoors their involvement amounted to one to four hours per day .
3 There are many busy mothers who would be delighted to see their horses being exercised , particularly during the winter when it is less easy to turn horses out ( in an attempt to preserve limited grazing ) .
4 It is commonly thought that herbs were used chiefly to disguise the flavour of bad meat during the winter when there was no recently slaughtered beef or lamb to be had , or when food in general had started to go off .
5 During the winter when we could n't sit outside and Bill had fewer tasks to fulfil in the garden , we would sit by the fire and indulge ourselves in what Bill called ‘ Kopek nostalgia sessions ’ .
6 This land of little more than 2m people and 24m sheep , enclosed between China and Russia in an area three times the size of France , had already appealed for emergency food aid to get it through the winter when the worst snows for 50 years hit three provinces in the south-west .
7 His intention is the cuddly fish that feeds on acorns and sleeps through the winter when nobody wants to go outside and look in their fishpond anyway . ’
8 This is usually after the winter when fish are naturally a little run down , but in most cases it is quickly cleared up with a standard fungus cure preparation .
9 The best time was in the winter when the snow was so bad I could n't walk the mile across the fields to school .
10 They seem to have peaked in the winter when nature itself can be grey enough , or maybe I just remember them as peaking in the winter .
11 The hay , silage and barley provide extra feed which farmers use mainly in the winter when the grass stops growing .
12 except for odd occasions in the winter when we had to go into the gym and dance with the birds ! ’
13 To go shopping with my father and mother on Saturday evenings seemed quite an adventure , especially in the winter when , under the flickering gas lamps , Salisbury became a different city .
14 Buzzards will eat much smaller prey than rabbits , particularly in the winter when food is scarce .
15 The one long straggly high street was always smothered in dust in the summer and with mud in the winter when the great stone carts lurched down from the quarries to the ‘ bankers ’ — the place where the stone was stacked up along the shore .
16 In the winter when it 's cold it works more slowly now when it 's very hot it will , should work more quickly .
17 We 've got to cross the river to get to the nearest shop which is about two miles away ; and in the winter when the weather is bad we 're more or less cut off .
18 The main disadvantages of an instantaneous water heater compared with storage systems is that the flow of water is often slower and , in the winter when the water in the mains is colder , the hot water will be less hot .
19 Unfortunately , the majority of energy used in homes is for space heating ( heating the rooms and the people ) and this is mostly needed in the winter when there is not sufficient sunshine in this country for solar energy to be feasible .
20 It would n't be on walking much further to a bus stop somewhere else , especially in the winter when it 's raining and snowing . ’
21 It 's only odd days , it 's it 's perhaps lovely there in the winter when it 's snowing and things
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