Example sentences of "[prep] the period when " in BNC.

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1 Pearson searches for the period when such a stable , traditional way of life supposedly held sway .
2 In fact , Gaitskell dominated policy throughout Labour 's period — first as Shinwell 's deputy , then as the Minister proper , and finally in senior Cabinet economic posts for the period when Noel-Baker ( who had no Cabinet seat ) was formally in charge .
3 Each area is reviewed separately for the period when the adults were children , life today and how that same area of life will be when the children of the village become adults .
4 Ground Engineer 's licences , " A " - " C " and " X " categories , a Wireless Air Operator 's licence and an Instructor 's rating — in preparation for the period when he entered civil aviation .
5 To that sum must be added under a different heading of damages , past loss of earnings for the period when she would have entered the catering industry .
6 ‘ The Poetry of Perestroika ’ is an anthology of poems that were written , or published for the first time , during the period when the bureaucratic grip was gradually loosened .
7 It is significant , too , that the Crofters Commission , even during the period when the scheme was viable within the curriculum , could only operate it because of a gift from a private individual .
8 The only conclusion that can be drawn from the above correspondence is that Stirling must have had some sort of operation in mind using parachutes during the period when he was returning from his second visit to Sirte .
9 The simple truth is , though , that you will never be in a better position to arrange suitable contract safeguards than during the period when a company is anxious to secure your services .
10 What detailed changes were there during the period when D was formed ?
11 Embroidery was introduced to the island by Miss Elizabeth ( Bella ) Phelps , a British resident , during the period when the oidium disease struck the vines between 1852 and I 862 .
12 FRS 2 argues that not setting up a debit balance ‘ would obscure the comparison between the assets and liabilities attributable to the minority interest and those attributable to group interests both during the period when the accumulated losses accrue and afterwards , if the losses are then made good by later profits ’ ( para 81 ) .
13 During the period when I was preparing my Report , three groups of people were involved in manoeuvres to control the National Curriculum in English : journalists , politicians and professional teachers .
14 Experts remain divided on the question of Dr Proctor 's state of mind during the period when he is confirmed to have been responsible for seven hundred and fifty-three homicides , but the Supreme Court has ruled him insane and irresponsible .
15 Fgf-4 ( previously known as hst-1 or kFGF ) , which encodes a secreted protein FGF-4 ( ref. 15 ) , is expressed in the AER during the period when that tissue mediates the proliferative response of the underlying mesenchyme .
16 It has been the deliberate policy of the Supplement to give these the prominence they lacked during the period when the OED was being edited .
17 So , the appearance of the story during the period when many legends were being interwoven is 200 years after the time of Godiva and her husband Leofric , c .
18 Since they were flourishing during the period when the land was invaded and since they certainly possessed limb-like fins , it seemed likely that they were the creatures from which the first land vertebrates were descended .
19 It appears that play begins during the period when the separation between consciousness and unconsciousness is becoming more deeply dichotomized , and that , following the development of language , objects never again have such a prominent place in our articulation or self-expression .
20 It was during the period when Jean-Claude was working on the ‘ Chansons de Mani ’ that I went through the scores he wrote in la Sologne throughout his childhood and into his twenties , and others he composed in Paris before Montaine 's death .
21 First , the new offence is committed where , during the period when the vehicle was taken , it was driven dangerously , or caused an accident , or caused damage , or sustained damage .
22 The petition must state : ( i ) the name , place of residence and occupation of the debtor ; ( ii ) the names in which business is carried on , if different , and whether business is carried on alone or with others ; ( iii ) the nature of the business , and business addresses ; ( iv ) the names in which business was carried on , if different , and whether business was carried on alone or with others ; ( v ) any former addresses during the period when the debts were incurred ( r 6.38 ) .
23 It can order the charge to be effective : ( i ) as against an administrator and liquidator , if it is satisfied that the inaccuracy did not prejudice any unsecured creditor or that no person became an unsecured creditor during the period when the registered particulars were defective and ( ii ) as against a person who acquires an interest , if that person was not misled by the unregistered particulars .
24 It was also during the period when the Tourist Trophy races were in full flight on the old Ards circuit .
25 In 1983 he became Axminster Winding Supervisor during the period when the new Gilbos Winding Machines were installed .
26 JE : It 's interesting that you should mention Rosenkavalier in this context , because while Britten was in hospital with measles , during the period when he was writing Grimes , Ralph Hawkes sent him a score of Rosenkavalier .
27 And as far as their consciences were concerned , they justified the colour under their brevets that they earned during the period when they were having grave doubts about their own efficiency .
28 Bukharin was making clear the distinction between the period when means of production were gathered into the hands of certain groups , who then used them as capital and thereby began the process of the accumulation of capital , and reproduction o f capitalist relations of production .
29 Around about the period when Monsieur Henri Mignet and his incredible Pou du Ciel , or ‘ Flying Flea ’ , was captivating the Great British Public 's imagination with his aeronautical exploits in a home-made aeroplane , several American inventors were offering much the same aerial excitement to their own countrymen , but with rather more ‘ conventional ’ designs .
30 With older people , who have lived through the period when new ‘ miracle ’ allopathic drugs have appeared to offer a solution to all pain and ill-health , it is these prescribed rather than proscribed drugs that will be the main problem .
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