Example sentences of "[prep] the reason for " in BNC.

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1 Mr Dalyell also asked whether work on controls over radioactive emissions , particularly at Aldermaston , Amersham and Burghfield , was being hampered , and for the reasons for the recruitment difficulties .
2 Wiping her tears with the corner of her apron and clutching the baby to her she searched for the reasons for this volte-face .
3 As for the reasons for the shortfall , the department says that research officers as a matter of course over-estimate spending at the start of a financial year .
4 Look for the reasons for his behaviour .
5 ( 4 ) Subsection ( 3 ) above does not apply where a society or associated body is authorised by the scheme to relieve itself of its obligation to take the steps it is directed to take or pay the compensation awarded by the society 's undertaking an obligation to give the requisite publicity for the reasons for not doing so and the society undertakes that obligation .
6 These are globally averaged values of altitude variations , the zero of altitude being taken at a pressure of 1 bar : see section 3.3.1 for the reasons for which a pressure value is an appropriate choice of zero for altitude .
7 If one were looking for the reasons for the present situation , does my right hon. Friend agree that it has been the departure of the building societies and other lenders from the traditional concept of not lending more than 75 per cent .
8 These fundamental differences in the explanations of Brown and Harris and those of Henderson and his colleagues about the role of social support in the aetiology of depression have prompted a search for the reasons for their discrepant findings .
9 Secondly , it was not infrequently commented that exceptional circumstances should be taken into account before a visit was ordered ( for example , checking with the accountant for the reasons for the delay ) .
10 It is saying too little in that to ask for the reason for the validity of a consent to certain normative consequences is the same as to ask for the reason for recognizing a person as holding a certain right to bring about these consequences .
11 It is saying too little in that to ask for the reason for the validity of a consent to certain normative consequences is the same as to ask for the reason for recognizing a person as holding a certain right to bring about these consequences .
12 As Mr Leslie had explained earlier he was completely sober and was not given to imagination , he screwed his eyes up looking for the reason for the footsteps ; he could n't see the feet but heard them quite distinctly passing him in the ballast below .
13 For the moment detectives are stumped for the reason for the attack .
14 If you leave , if you leave let's say if you get caught and sent back then you 're gon na get back you know twice as much as you had for the reason for leaving .
15 and I wonder if I could have an explanation for the reason for that very high increase .
16 For the mnoment detectives are stumped for the reason for the attack .
17 Information on a variety of matters , such as the reasons for the proposed job losses and the way in which they are intended to occur , must be disclosed in writing .
18 The regulations issued in 864 give debasement , and ensuing loss of confidence , as the reasons for the recoinage .
19 Also , and perhaps to a greater extent , a man is what he has smelt : later in the novel Raskolnikov gives the police-station smell as the reason for the suspicious circumstance of his fainting , which is neither the whole truth nor a straight lie but the blending of the guilty man with the Poison of the city .
20 Sympathy with the person involved is often mentioned as the reason for cautioning someone rather than charging them .
21 Although imperfect marketing has been cited by historians as the reason for Victor 's failure , in fact there may have been a simple operational reason .
22 Waddingtons pleads international standardisation as the reason for the change .
23 Severe overcrowding in the urban areas was usually cited as the reason for keeping them in the countryside , but there were probably underlying political motives .
24 The urge to stop the car will not qualify , but that which served as the reason for stopping , namely to assist a distressed animal , well might .
25 Both Weston and Olson , for instance , found that teachers involved in the Schools Council Integrated Science Project ( SCISP ) , breached the project 's guidelines by teaching from the board and encouraging pupils to revise — and that these teachers referred to the presence of examinations as the reason for their continuing use of these transmission-like styles of teaching .
26 It cited Friday 's announcement by Fujitsu that it is lowering its earnings forecast to show a substantial loss for the fiscal year ending March 31 as the reason for the review ; the review affects 120,000m of yen-denominated bonds , a $330m bond , a 320m Swiss franc issue and a 200,000m commercial paper programme , it noted .
27 In its March 17 press release , COSE gave as the reason for its existence as ‘ increased customer demand for consistent technologies across multiple systems , greater technology choice , increased cost savings and quicker time to market . ’
28 In Lord Dundas 's patronage book , for example , an entry states that one of Dundas 's political friends , Colonel Erskine , wished Mr. McVay , the officer of excise at Denny in Stirlingshire , to be advanced in rank , citing as the reason for seeking such promotion that the man was the son-in-law of Napier of Craigannet , a freeholder of the county .
29 Rather more ideologically committed to a new form of politics were those for whom anti-semitism was seen as the reason for the changes in British and European society engendered by the first World War .
30 ICL plc software house , Transaction Point Ltd , Reading , Berkshire , went into liquidation last week citing recessionary trends as the reason for its collapse .
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