Example sentences of "[prep] the same breath " in BNC.

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1 New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable .
2 In a single serpentine sentence Porfiry seems to dissolve into his own prose , showering Raskolnikov with a patter of tiny verbal blows as if exercising the Russian particle for its own sake ( nu da uzh ) , telling him that he considers him ‘ quite incapable ’ of committing suicide , and in the same breath to leave ‘ a short circumstantial note if he does .
3 At that time hardly anyone but Winters would have named Williams in the same breath as Eliot , and it is characteristic of Winters 's perversity ( or his independence ) that thirty years later , when it had become usual to set Williams up against Eliot , Winters 's opinion of Williams had long been much less favourable .
4 Guide to Kulchur gives us Pound at his most personal , at his most deliberately vulnerable ; it is here that we find him wondering aloud , for instance , if the body of his work to that date could be mentioned in the same breath with Thomas Hardy 's .
5 Well , that 's the way it goes , Piper , ’ and in the same breath , ‘ look in that canvas bag on the back seat and help yourself to what you want . ’
6 Lawrence 's masquerade of adjustment involves a projection of his own fears , anxieties , and neurosis which , in the Swift/Celia case , is especially revealing because in the same breath he consciously repudiates the scapegoating process which partly comprises that projection ( pp. 303 — 4 ) .
7 Chamberlain refers to this in the same breath as mentioning an argument between the Marquess Buckingham and Hamilton over ‘ the selling of honours and abasing ancient nobility , by new advancements ’ .
8 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang as singles players , but neither has made quite the same impact as yet .
9 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , but neither has made the same impact as yet .
10 And yet , awkwardly , schizophrenically , these twisted sickos are taken up by the right-on , their cause espoused in the same breath as calls for a better world the assumption being that the better things in life — hip hop imports , clothes , socialism — would undoubtedly cohabit in utopia .
11 Norman Cook will never be spoken about in the same breath as Jazzie B , yet ‘ Dub Be Good To Me ’ is one of the hardest records you will ever hear seeping out of a Ford Escort at the traffic lights .
12 Her concerns were here , in front of her , concerns that were domestic and intimate and not to be spoken of in the same breath as supposedly greater events .
13 This means that statements can be made describing typical differences in wealth between the country groups without needing to mention the differences in spread in the same breath .
14 It wallows in the worst excesses of sentimentality and adopts a moral tone that condemns and condones misbehaviour in the same breath .
15 It would be a disservice to Denis Law to mention him in the same breath as some of Scotland 's more notorious hell-raisers .
16 Mostly when they are mentioned they are mentioned in the same breath as legacies .
17 ‘ I do n't know how you can even speak of her in the same breath . ’
18 They disparage themselves for doubting and in the same breath defend their doubt like a treasured possession which nothing could persuade them to give up .
19 I can legitimately say , ‘ I know ’ , and add in the same breath , ‘ but I am open to being shown I am wrong ’ .
20 Comfort means different things to different people , but when food and comfort are mentioned in the same breath , chances are that the tastes and textures of childhood will come back to visit us whether we consciously realise it or not .
21 Thus one might , said Dionysius , say that God was ‘ good ’ but it was necessary to qualify this in the same breath : he was Goodness itself but he was not ‘ good ’ in the limited way that human beings understood this quality .
22 Mentioning Tolkien in the same breath with Shakespeare will seem to many rash , even perverse .
23 They were shooed away by the Sheikha , who rebuked them for being naughty and greeted me almost in the same breath .
24 Then , almost in the same breath and contemplating all that space , he added , ‘ You 're not going to fill it up with furniture are you ? ’
25 Yet almost in the same breath they stated that men should earn more because they had ‘ wives and bairns ’ to support .
26 Nor has he condemned right-wing extremism without condemning the rarer left-wing sort in the same breath .
27 In the same breath as admitting that Lightning , the high-end , super-pipelined Sparc chip that it was developing in conjunction with LSI Logic Corp and Hyundai Electronics , was n't going to strike after all , Metaflow Technology also began to talk about a next-generation effort in design that would follow ( UX No 273 ) .
28 In the same breath , Tenon has also rolled-out X Client and X Server software for MachTen X-Windows .
29 The initials ‘ BCCI ’ and ‘ CIA ’ were even beginning to be mentioned in the same breath .
30 It was felt that the government was not sincere in the implementation of community care because they mention community care in the same breath as cutbacks .
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