Example sentences of "[prep] the same reasons " in BNC.

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1 At the start of NEP many of these papers collapsed for the same reasons that affected others .
2 They all came from similar backgrounds and , as like minds , they were all congregating at the same place for the same reasons .
3 Lithuania should be just as concerned with the emergence of a free Poland , for the same reasons .
4 For the same reasons , political philosophy can be demonstrated .
5 It is for the same reasons that I would now support the denationalization of British Rail .
6 For the same reasons Trent was unable to visualise Belpan as a future gambling Mecca .
7 For the same reasons one can not properly express one 's willingness to share the fortunes of a group by submitting to an authority which grossly betrays the trust it owes to the group .
8 It is our contention that architectural conservation should be accorded the same consideration which is already being shown to the conservation of other resources , both natural and man-made , and for the same reasons .
9 For the same reasons that the female is more likely to acquire infection in the throat than her male sexual partner , the homosexual male who practises oral sex is more likely to be infected in the throat than his heterosexual equivalent .
10 For the same reasons sex is better at weekends or on holidays because your sexual desires are not being swamped by the trivia of everyday life .
11 Others , for the same reasons or for what they believe are reasons of legal principle , may argue that no murder is committed , on the basis of the reasoning noted earlier that the ventilator is ‘ prolonging life ’ , and turning it off is an omission permitting death , not a commission causing death .
12 A detailed study of 9 communes in the Monts Domes area of the Puy-de-Dome department ( all LFA ) showed that the utilised agricultural land increased from 9,369 hectares it , 1970 to 10 , 169 hectares in 1980 ( an 8% rise ) , probably for the same reasons given above in this mountainous part of the Auvergne .
13 Few there are who would speak in favour of cruelty to animals , as thus understood , and I take it that , whatever else our differences might be , at least we all agree that cruelty to other animals is morally vile , and morally vile for the same reasons as cruelty to human children , for example .
14 For the same reasons , FELs can generate high quality , nearly diffraction limited , optical beams .
15 Wholegrain cereals are also good for the same reasons , and protein foods ( meat , fish , eggs and cheese ) taken in moderation help to balance the diet and give all the necessary nutrients .
16 Coming out for the same reasons , Nicholas found him there and heard him make his excuses .
17 For the same reasons , it would be easy to end up with different versions at different locations , especially if the users themselves have the capability to modify the expert system .
18 The same sort of approaches were adopted for cycling for the same reasons .
19 These cases demonstrate that the simple de-skilling thesis , rejected at a theoretical level in Chapter 4 , is also unsupported by the empirical evidence , and for the same reasons .
20 This was the first time a Social Work Department in Scotland had come under such public fire for the same reasons .
21 They demanded bracket construction for the overhead wires , but this was turned down for the same reasons as those in Mitcham .
22 This analysis is similar to that of shareholders ' funds and is required for the same reasons .
23 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
24 For the same reasons , a person who has HIV infection should inform their GP of this only if it becomes relevant for diagnosis or treatment .
25 In view of the universality and range of the interview situation it is not surprising that there has been extensive research , but for the same reasons the research is of little operational consequence .
26 But to the EEC this looked too much like the British proposals of the late 1950s , and it declined the overtures from EFTA for the same reasons as in the past .
27 Frey 's attempt to discredit these ‘ simple ’ desires will not work here ; and for the same reasons that it was finally discredited earlier in this chapter .
28 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
29 Another stock to advance for the same reasons was General Cinema , owner of Harcourt Brace .
30 So anti-realism offers a perspective from which not only is there no possibility of a global scepticism about understanding , but also ( and for the same reasons ) there is no room for a global scepticism about justified belief either .
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