Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] east " in BNC.

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1 UK hotel companies are anxiously awaiting the outcome of round one in the bidding for the former East German hotel group Interhotel .
2 True , they would have had a stronger showing had not their former prime minister , Lothar de Maizière , stepped down before the election amid charges ( which he denies , and which an inquiry looks set to discuss ) that he used to work for the former East German secret police .
3 The CDU parliamentary group had accused Gies ( who had headed the CDU list but had not won a direct seat in the October 1990 Landtag election ) of obliging three other CDU delegates to resign after that election by alleging that they had worked for the former East German " Stasi " security police .
4 A reorganization of the Land Cabinet in Saxony-Anhalt took place on Aug. 16 , following the resignation of the Free Democrat deputy Minister President Gerd Brunner on Aug. 9 and of the Agriculture Minister four days later , over accusations that they had acted as agents for the former East German Ministry of State Security — the " Stasi " .
5 Not one of the many East Berliners I spoke to at several crossing points said they meant to stay in the West .
6 This was the commercial heart of the former East Germany , and once the site of Eastern Europe 's biggest trade fair .
7 Buying interest in the first quarter was focused on Germany , helped by the sale of the former East Germany 's assets .
8 Sigglesthorne is in Holderness , about three miles inland from the coastal town of Hornsea , and ten miles east-north-east of Beverley — the county town of the former East Riding of Yorkshire .
9 Volk & Welt , one of the few major publishers of the former East Germany still on the books of the Treuhand , has finally been privatised in a token DM1 buyout led by its managing director Dietrich Simon .
10 On May 20 the former Chairman of the East German Council of Ministers , Willi Stoph , 76 , the Minister of National Defence in 1985-89 , Heinz Kessler , 71 , and two members of the former East German National Defence Council , Fritz Streletz , 71 , and Hans Albrecht , 81 , were arrested on charges of incitement to manslaughter in connection with the East German government 's " shoot-to-kill " policy towards those trying to escape to the West .
11 [ For Soviet transfer of the former East German leader Erich Honecker in March 1991 see p. 38110 . ]
12 It was estimated that , in the second half of 1990 , the gross national product ( GNP ) of the former East Germany was only 8.3 per cent of western Germany 's GNP ( although the population was over one-quarter , and its land area nearly half that of western Germany ) .
13 German unification in October 1990 brought the territory of the former East Germany into the EC [ see p. 37659 ] .
14 On Dec. 19 Gabriele Gast , a former deputy head of the BND 's Soviet department , was sentenced by a Munich court to six years and nine months in prison for espionage on behalf of the former East German security service ( Stasi ) .
15 A government-commissioned report has calculated the cost of cleaning up the severely polluted industrial areas of the former East Germany at 17.8 billion deutschmarks .
16 EC traders estimate that this year 's harvest could shoot up to 166.8m tonnes — excluding the former East German sector .
17 FOLLOWING the success of three previous seminars Liverpool Chamber of Commerce is holding a fourth talk shop on trading with the former East Germany .
18 He said that the deutschmark had been introduced into the former East Germany in mid-1990 [ see p. 37660 ] " with practically no preparation or possibility of adjustment , and , I would add , at the wrong exchange rate " ; the result had been " a disaster " and rendered eastern Germany " completely uncompetitive " .
19 A Bundestag ( lower house of federal parliament ) debate on March 12 set up a commission of inquiry into the former East German regime .
20 It would comprise 16 parliamentary deputies and 11 private citizens and would be headed by Rainer Eppelmann , a leading peace campaigner and dissident under the former East German regime .
21 Immigration laws inherited from the former East German state , which were due to expire on January 1st , are being allowed to carry on for Soviet Jews arriving in Berlin .
22 For the first time , items from the former East Germany accounted for a large proportion of the lots on offer .
23 ( 2 ) Soviet forces were to be withdrawn from the former East German territory by the end of 1994 and governed by a separate bilateral treaty [ see below ] .
24 On Jan. 30 the government also announced that it was sending to Israel eight launchers for Patriot missiles ( equipped to deter aircraft rather than Scud missiles ) , eight " sniffer " vehicles for chemical warfare detection , 50 similar vehicles from the former East German army and a commitment to provide two submarines subject to approval by the relevant parliamentary committees .
25 In Egypt he added DM150 million to the DM1,000 million already promised to help cover Egypt 's costs in the war , and pledged a dozen armoured gas detection vehicles from the former East German arsenal .
26 John Akast , an assistant recorder from the same East Anglian chambers and based in Ipswich , has been appointed a Recorder to the South Eastern Circuit .
27 Though some big firms have boldly marched eastward , investment in the former East Germany has been slower than expected .
28 Sales at home have collapsed , because hospitals in the former East Germany can not afford expensive gear .
29 Interox was also planning a new 50 000 tonne pa hydrogen peroxide plant at Bernburg , the site in the former East Germany that was recently returned to Solvay .
30 ( Germany 's unemployment has for long been extremely high , and is currently catastrophically so in the former East Germany . )
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