Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 They compared the actual returns on 60 US mutual funds for the three-year period 1982–4 with returns that would have been made if a specified strategy for investing in S&P500 futures had been followed .
2 2 To prepare the bed area for the post-operative period .
3 For the Roman period , they provide a wealth of information about the names of festivals and magistracies , as well as the names of the people who held them .
4 For the Roman period , settlement patterns are perhaps a little more precise .
5 The rescheduling would take place over 10 years with a six-year period of grace to allow the renegotiation of debt for the preceding period .
6 These radioactive elements have very long half-lives , so the flux of radiation is effectively constant for the archaeological periods of interest in TL dating .
7 Little more than $200,000,000 for the first year was pledged , however , with some $60,000,000 of this on concessional terms ; further pledges of $150,000,000 were forthcoming for the 1991-93 period .
8 What was n't in doubt , however , was the process itself , and even for the 1961–71 period , Champion ( 1976 ) was able to conclude that a marked acceleration had taken place in the rate of outward movement , from the conurbations and large towns , to surrounding areas , and that remote rural areas like the southwest and Wales had either reversed a century-long decline in population , or had reduced it significantly .
9 This newly acquired information concerning the plans of others can be expected to generate , for the succeeding period of time , a revised set of decisions .
10 In other words , even without changes in the basic data of the market ( that is , in consumer tastes , technological possibilities and resource availabilities ) , the decisions made in one period of time generate systematic alterations in the corresponding decisions for the succeeding period .
11 Without autonomous change in tastes , or in technological possibilities , or in the availability of resources , no one can have any interest in altering his plans for the succeeding period .
12 The worst-affected region was the south-east with fraud cases for the six-year period totalling almost £1.21 billion .
13 For the second period at Hinchinbrook , from May nineteen eighty eight to May nineteen eighty nine again at least one parent was present for eight hours each day and assistance was given with physiotherapy , occupational therapy and speech therapy .
14 For the second period of ten years again I discount down the full agency rates , totalling fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds and ninety six pence year yearly , to the sum of forty thousand pounds annually and to apply a multiplier of six , producing the figure of two hundred and forty thousand pounds for the second period .
15 For the second period of ten years again I discount down the full agency rates , totalling fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds and ninety six pence year yearly , to the sum of forty thousand pounds annually and to apply a multiplier of six , producing the figure of two hundred and forty thousand pounds for the second period .
16 Law codes are a major source for the Anglo-Saxon period , and those which Archbishop Wulfstan of York wrote for Æthelred and Cnut are among the most extensive .
17 Even if we adjust this figure downwards to say 20 per cent for the pre-1914 period , this still represents quite a large number of women ( 160 out of 800 ) who were in the trade for life , which usually meant until well over 60 .
18 Finally , evidence from what was arguably the most traumatic period for capitalism , the post-1929 Depression in the United States , does not lend support to the real-balance hypothesis : ‘ For the 1929–32 period as a whole there was an increase in real balances of 42 per cent , and a decrease in real income of 40 per cent ’ ( Patinkin , 1951 ) .
19 The budget provided for expenditure of IS66,500 million for the nine-month period from April 1 to Dec. 31 , 1991 ( beginning in 1992 , the budget would run according to the calendar year ) .
20 As you will see from the contents of this issue of your newspaper , we have an attractive schedule of events for the immediate period with some sensible offers .
21 The average delay over the whole period is 4.8 years , but if the data are split into the two time periods represented in the Rolfe & Will lists , it is found that the average delay for the 1960-1976 period is 8.8 years , whereas the average for 1976-83 is 1.9 years .
22 Thailand 's seventh five-year development plan , for the 1992-96 period , was released by the National Economic and Social Development Board on Sept. 9 .
23 The Japanese government had indicated a willingness to provide " economic co-operation " to compensate for its colonization of Korea from 1910 to 1945 , but refused to accept any liability for the post-1945 period .
24 Both his drawings and the buildings show that he had , for the Elizabethan period , a capable grasp of the language of classical ornament ; he knew and used the works of Serlio , possibly of Palladio , and of the Flemish Mannerist Vredeman de Vries , whose designs were extensively adapted at Wollaton .
25 Some fish are , in any case , unusually sensitive and may not come round , even after the recommended amount is used for the correct period .
26 This side of the issue was entrusted to Lord Brabazon of Tara , whose committee was invited to make recommendations on the types of aircraft that Britain should produce for the postwar period .
27 We therefore included the case in our analysis for the post-Black period 1984–90 as this information should be regarded as testing rather than generating the Seascale hypothesis .
28 The collections are an essential reference source ‘ especially for the Victorian period .
29 To counteract this , I 've sometimes specified quantities of potatoes , rice and pasta in the menus , just for the 28-day period , but given two courses at every meal so you should n't need to eat in between .
30 Which of you is responsible for the long periods of separation , or are they merely dictated by your careers ? ’
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