Example sentences of "[prep] opportunity [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the early 1780s Viennese society had not yet been drained of financial resources by the long and debilitating war against the Turks , and every aristocrat of note supported some kind of musical establishment , offering a performer such as Mozart plenty of opportunity to give concerts and play at salons .
2 The Settlement offers every kind of opportunity to give service to the community .
3 Again , she had plenty of opportunity to turn tail and run , to prove to him somehow , somewhere , some way , that he had got entirely the wrong idea about her .
4 There will be plenty of opportunity to join clubs and societies and to socialise in the evenings .
5 a loss of personal enjoyment from performing a variety of activity and a loss of opportunity to maintain practice in certain skills .
6 As the evening wore on , with plenty of opportunity to study Melanie as the latter flitted from group to group , Leonora grew more and more furious with Penry .
7 However , chimpanzees raised in the wild seemed to have no such difficulties , presumably because they had had plenty of opportunity to observe copulation in other chimpanzees and so had learnt how to perform it themselves .
8 Where the school maintains regular curriculum discussions , departmentally , in faculties , or throughout the entire staff , there will normally be plenty of opportunity to share experiences and raise questions .
9 Negative comments were individual ones about lack of opportunity for participation ( on Africa ) , lack of opportunity to share fundraising ideas , lack of conclusions on Brazil workshop ( on environment and debt ) , leaders ' lack of familiarity with game ( and on SEAD debt game ) and lack of energy to cope with two workshops .
10 When she glanced at him again he looked very grim and she wondered if she should have told Mitch that he might well have a lot of opportunity to photograph Spain — on foot as he walked back to Málaga .
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