Example sentences of "[prep] using [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So we do have a problem and and we need to grasp that the a conclusion talking about rolling programme we are concerned about resources we 're , we 're , we 're concerned about using them to the best advantage .
2 " There 's a regulation about using it for private matters . "
3 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
4 Then , after using it on video , any intensive listening tasks could be carried out on audio .
5 1982:Ch. 3 ) , but there was no possibility of using them as the basis for a reorganised local government structure .
6 Romero had in mind a much more ambitious script in which the zombies have more or less taken over , except in an island enclave where soldiers have trained them into an army and scientists are devising ways of using them as slaves .
7 You know I 'll watch them and think maybe I 'd like to do that but not , not , you know , judging , not sort of using them as a kind of measure stick you know to judge everybody by .
8 Once the laws are introduced , the coaches and the players will try to devise means of using them to their own advantage .
9 The Greeks were fond of using them for mounting on earrings , but it was the Romans who developed a passionate interest in pearls .
10 The advantage of using them in this situation is their low cost and the speed with which the wall can be built up .
11 But last night , his angry wife accused the Government of using him as a scapegoat .
12 Surely you no longer suspect me of using you in some devious plan to make Lotta jealous ? ’
13 Although there are problems in directly transferring Belbin 's analysis into educational institutions there does appear to be the basis of using it as a means of managing the issues identified at the start of this section .
14 Perhaps the best result of the current fascination with ‘ world music ’ is that , after decades of using it as a fashion accessory or status symbol , people have actually begun to listen to music again .
15 The possibility of using it as a bypass to the village was discussed with the Ministry of Defence in 1985 .
16 The possibility of using it as a tactical weapon against the king-duke was too valuable an asset to be abandoned .
17 Whole-tone harmony is part of many harmonic systems , is valuable in many circumstances , and is therefore worth a brief study by all composers , even if they have no intention of using it as a complete system themselves .
18 Brutus again talks of Caesar 's authority becoming corrupt because of using it without really thinking about the consequences .
19 Sophie got the idea of using it in France when she made a scarecrow for a friend .
20 Since citizenship has become a fashionable and acceptable word , it is easy to slip into the habit of using it in preference to ‘ individual rights ’ or ‘ human rights ’ , but it is important to bear in mind the desirability of keeping the private sphere of the life of the individual separate from his role as citizen , an essentially political role and status .
21 ‘ Well over half of the clients that approach IMRS for consolidation software are currently using spreadsheets , and have discovered that there are all sorts of horrendous problems associated with using them for consolidation .
22 As well as discussing experiences and problems in handling microcomputers , the group looked at programs available and experimented with using them in a variety of ways .
23 A drink problem is less to do with enjoying alcohol than with using it as a means of coping with pressures of various kinds .
24 Parents may feel suspicious of these , or resentful , and will need help in using them to best advantage .
25 In using them in classrooms and in discussing them with colleagues , teachers will change them , replace them , and develop their own , more immediate to their own teaching circumstances .
26 We are justified in using it for a quality of material things only if the quality is like the bodily sensation .
27 Therefore we are not justified in using it for a quality of material things .
28 And it is convenient to consider him as an entrepreneur even with respect to the resource he owns ( in the sense that , in using it for his own production process , rather than selling it at its market price to other producers , he is ‘ buying ’ it at an implicit cost ) .
29 Unfortunately there is a confounding factor of experience in this : the earlier sign has been learned the more experience one is likely to have had in using it by the time the sign language testing occurs .
30 We carry out rummage searches of the islands to deter such activities as smuggling , and terrorists from using them as locations for weapon hides .
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