Example sentences of "[prep] looking at a " in BNC.

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1 I first got the idea of the crocheted styles after looking at a piece of fabric and thinking : ‘ I could do that with hair . ’
2 One class , after looking at an old muster roll and hearing how men in their county were called up to fight in the militia , made a cut-out army of 150 cardboard soldiers .
3 That is one reason for looking at a certain objection , that our conception of such connection is not fundamental to , or pervasive in , a certain body of knowledge and speculation , one which must have some pride of place in any informed view of reality .
4 You 're asked to support the general move , that we have set out from this report , and you 're asked to agree to St Clements and East Ward , and I think we 've heard Mandy and Phil acknowledge that there may well be a case for looking at an area of council housing , which we will leave them to do , and also to approve the set of objectives , which I particularly welcome , on page sixty-two and sixty-three , which will amount to a work programme , which I would have thought we were all very pleased to see .
5 In this context it is worth looking at a recent study carried out in California by Harbicht Research Inc for Southern California Edison , a local utility company who investigated how local residents felt about a proposed " wind-farm " project .
6 There is no one way of looking at a sculpture by Leinberger and similarly there is no one angle or distance from which we see it anything like whole , but there is something like a normal sequence of approach .
7 Comparison of illustrations of the same picture in several publications will demonstrate this truism , while the best test of looking at a reproduction in front of the picture itself can be a disheartening experience .
8 They can bring , through their training and experience , particular and specified ways of looking at a child 's problem .
9 One way of looking at a site is to examine its stratigraphy — the sequence of layers that have been laid down one on top of another to form the site itself .
10 Another way of looking at a site is to concentrate on its plan , and to see how this changes with time .
11 FO … you acquire the … skill , with practice , of looking at a discharge and being able to say visually in many cases , that there 's things like suspended solids — that it is going to be outside consent ; it is clear to you that sample is going to be outside .
12 There are many different ways of looking at a town for the first time .
13 Erm I mean the if you , if you 're looking at erm at er at , at , at the costs on that erm I mean do you , do you think that er er that that 's a reasonable sum to , to actually put aside ea each month to provide that sort of protection or , or perhaps you ought to be thinking of , of looking at a higher figure .
14 That does mean that they have already had a very difficult exercise in terms of looking at an , an efficiency effectiveness distribution of funding and how they manage the service , and that 's very much tied in with the children 's services plan , which Mike referred to earlier on , and which is later on the agenda .
15 To look up at the towering medieval universe is much more like looking at a great building .
16 It was like looking at a miniature version of himself .
17 It was the first chance to see Diana close up since the long honeymoon and it was like looking at a different woman .
18 It shines , on a silvered copper plate , which is solid to hold in the hand — but the image is evanescent , even when the plate is tilted to just the correct angle to the eye ( like looking at a hologram today ) and the street becomes magically present in all the exorbitant detail that the Daguerreotype possessed .
19 Before Auque 's news , it was like looking at a huge , dark landscape whose features were indistinguishable from one another .
20 Something I can not place , something small , like looking at a tapestry with a loose thread . ’
21 When she came in for the second time her throat was like looking at a plate full of strawberries and cream — red enlarged tonsils with a coating of puss .
22 If you examine these charities , and the pop stars who lend their support to them , it 's like looking at a giant human Venn diagram , with the same sets supporting different charities .
23 Wolfe puts his argument as follows : ‘ What I saw before me was the critic-in-chief of the New York Times saying : In looking at a painting today , ‘ to lack a persuasive theory is to lack something crucial ’ .
24 No point in looking at a gift horse till you see the whites of its eyes , etcetera .
25 So we get involved quite a lot in looking at teaching in various parts of the university where people want us to , very often involving the students as well as the other teachers in looking at a particular course and seeing if there are ways in which perhaps it might be taught differently or in a way that worked better .
26 From there , we move to examine the inheritance China received from the Soviet Union , before looking at a series of other cases in South Asia and Israel .
27 Before looking at a numerical example , let's look at the principles ( see Figure 1 ) .
28 My story , A Pair of Yellow Lilies , came from looking at a double-stemmed lily in our conservatory .
29 From a military point of view , the strategic importance of the Iberian Peninsula was evident simply from looking at a map .
30 Also , what you generally find is that if somebody is reading as opposed to refreshing their memory from looking at a piece of paper and then letting it flow , if they 're reading from it it 's dull , it lacks sparkle .
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