Example sentences of "[prep] taking [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 Adam escorted Elinor to the elevator ; after taking her to her bedroom , he intended to go to the beach for a swim .
2 Josh had to be squeezed into Clare 's tight weekday schedule : after taking him to the babysitter in Pimlico , she caught another bus to the shoe shop where she worked .
3 And we had a sort of desperate broken conversation , Caliban trying to get out of taking me to hospital , I insisting that he must .
4 Did not get the job — dear , former [ xx ] Manager , drove me up there ( 6 miles north of Perth ) and then on to Dunkeld where he insisted on giving me lunch — he had originally thought of taking me to Gleneagles , but I had to get back to the outplacement people — and did so , only to find ‘ my ’ counsellor had , for the third time , failed to keep an appointment with me .
5 Refusing to rise to the bait , she visualised and counted ten elephants , a hangover habit from her childhood , then , her voice tightly controlled , asked , ‘ Would you please explain why you insisted on bringing me here instead of taking me to the Trevi ? ’
6 He had toyed with the idea of taking her to Dublin anyway , but they had had a rocky road enough already and perhaps she would be better at home .
7 Tess manages to infiltrate the world of high finance with a fabulous proposal that has the potential of taking her to the top .
8 And instead of taking them to the operating room for a T U R , instead we took them to the urodynamics lab .
9 The kitchen window was still open and I climbed in after crushing another handful of lavender with the intention of taking it to bed with me for an invigorating sleep , if such a thing is possible .
10 ‘ We 're thinking of taking it to the European Court of Human Rights ’ , she says .
11 He anticipates that the campaign will snowball and , depending on the results , he is considering taking it to the House of Commons .
12 Rain had no clear idea what to do with her , apart from taking her to the Villa Fiesole , and she was already seeing the warped logic of Edouard 's argument : Barbara Coleman might be safer where she was .
13 The court 's hearings were in private , but the judgment revealed that the Attorney General , Harold Whelehan , had obtained a temporary injunction on Feb. 7 preventing the parents of the girl from taking her to the UK for an operation .
14 Ambulance men stemmed the flow of blood from 19-year-old David Mellor and packed his arm in cool bags before taking him to Warrington hospital .
15 An ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him before taking him to Arrowe Park Hospital where he died soon afterwards .
16 It was the RSPCA 's intention to try and sedate the animals before taking them to a sanctuary .
17 Now Mr and Mrs Jones believe it is easier not to press and to wait until she falls asleep on the settee before taking her to bed ( usually about 11 pm ) .
18 The men who stopped her had done a lot of talking on their radio before taking her to their police station .
19 For Rachel , who had never before experienced such intensity of feeling , it was as if he 'd transported her to another world — a world where every sensation was heightened , every touch the prelude to yet more delight as he explored and worshipped every inch of her body before taking her to the peak of fulfilment .
20 If one supports the view that dogs need a degree of freedom of movement , the opportunity to meet other dogs and to engage in natural behaviour , then this means that responsible owners would be justified in taking them to places where they can be let off the lead and allowed to run loose .
21 And , and you think to yourself oh we 've seen everything , but I used to get pleasure in taking somebody to the potteries because I knew they had n't seen it and it would be like ooh , when they got there , you could see the shock , the surprise in their eyes when they went in there
22 It 's not just a case of him taking us with all of what we had and were and us belonging to him , but he says i in taking you to myself , he says I give myself to you .
23 The new matrix is symmetric , since both its i , jth and j , ith elements are unity ; moreover , its determinant is -1 , since in moving the jth row to the ith position unc we cross j — i rows ; but the original ith row is now the i + 1th and so in taking it to the jth position we cross j — i — 1 rows .
24 ‘ 'T WAS little enough payment for taking me to Winchester . ’
25 She said , ‘ Thanks for walking me home , and thank you again for taking me to Pepe 's . ’
26 In certain styles of kung fu , methods of combat are practised for taking someone to the ground with a sweep , called a ‘ take-down ’ .
27 ‘ I did n't say anything to Philippe because it was so inconclusive , ’ she finished , ‘ and I still ca n't decide whether it 's worth taking them to the police . ’
28 I know I should be thinking about taking her to a mother-and-toddler group so she can meet people and make friends , but something keeps putting me off .
29 When Leith was not mutinying against him , she was alternately engaged — while still producing a fair output of work — in wondering if he had really been serious about taking her to Parkwood to meet Travis 's parents this weekend .
30 That way , the same effect can be achieved without taking it to the full depth .
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