Example sentences of "[prep] least [pers pn] can " in BNC.

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1 Aye , I know that the calf muscles will atrophy , but at least they can be supported by a brace and the boy 'll be able to walk . ’
2 But at least they can still shout and be heard .
3 At least they can get out when the going gets rough , as their grandmothers could n't .
4 This partly reflects the fact that strikes are a dramatic form of conflict ( or at least they can be portrayed as dramatic events ) , and partly it reflects the fact that public opinion in Britain is firmly fixed upon strikes .
5 We have a standard for children which assumes they can either send very strongly amplifies the distress , and therefore , we are not going to taken them terribly seriously , or at least they can actual reach much higher intensities before we do take them seriously , whereas for adults we have a different standard which , which assumes that even slight expressions of distress in adult could be serious .
6 There may be some unseemliness about the opportunism of assassinating characters still warm in their graves , but at least they can not feel the stings and arrows of outrageous libels .
7 And erm , whilst those schools are still suffering from under-funding , at least they can er gain some erm solace , consolation from the fact that er the Tories seem to be able to replace their chairs , opposition spokespersons of education almost at will .
8 And that is why , as Mr said , I think they ought to be allowed to produce some sort of advertising pamphlet , and get their act together , because if they 're going to go and compete out there they 've got to be prepared for it , and we 've got to allow them to give a decent presentation , at least have a decent glossy brochure to push round , so at least they can say what they do , because they will never compete when they are privatised unless they get it .
9 But at least they can be reassured that their efforts paid off .
10 For the crew it 's the end of three hard days and nights , but at least they can now sit back and leave it to the performers .
11 Until then at least they can take comfort knowing adults sometimes have to suffer uniforms even worse than their own .
12 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
13 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
14 At least we can laugh .
15 MPs knew the Health Secretary did not listen to the patients or the nurses and doctors , he said , but ‘ at least we can seek reassurance in the fact that he does n't pay a blind bit of notice to what his own department is saying either ’ .
16 Without the faith that our face expresses our self , without that basic illusion , that arch-illusion , we can not live or at least we can not take life seriously .
17 At least we can induce it artificially , and I know it works now , too . ’
18 ‘ I do n't pretend that this will ever be a Labour seat , but at least we can force the opposition to work harder , give them a run for their money , ’ he said .
19 No matter what the future holds for the next generation and the delicate trembling wilderness , at least we can promise our children and grandchildren one sure thing .
20 But at least we can seek for different models of powerful women : sensitivity and strength , power and flexibility , commitment without dogma , determination and courage without authoritarianism , these would be welcome everywhere .
21 At least we can watch the fancy-dress parade , even if you ca n't take part in it — and I 'm afraid there 's no chance of that now . ’
22 If not , ’ he shrugged , ‘ at least we can shoot the bastard .
23 At least we can use bows out there . ’
24 If we ca n't do it at least we can hear about it . ’
25 It 's a bit of a mess but at least we can be warm and dry in our sleeping-bags . ’
26 If we can not make any sensible estimates as to the existence of intelligence on other worlds , at least we can look at non-human intelligences back here on Earth .
27 We ca n't give her what she really wants , poor girl , but at least we can make her look pretty .
28 We must take note of trends and changes , we must recognise pressures as pressures , we may need to broaden our concepts and tolerance in marital issues and family concerns : but at least we can be fairly sure that marriage and the family as we know them will outlast our time .
29 If we can not specify temporary workers in general , at least we can do so in particular , From the literature we were able to identify 11 categories of worker referred to as temporary workers .
30 At least we can still count on self-interest as a predictable factor …
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