Example sentences of "[prep] side to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Marx , in an equally tough voice , merely said , ‘ O.K. Let's do just that , ’ put his hand in his breast pocket , slowly pulled out a horribly official-looking envelope , and slowly and carefully took from that an even more horribly official-looking form , folded once , in what to Herr Nordern seemed an indescribably sinister manner from top to bottom instead of side to side .
2 Those few yards from side to centre stage are strewn with obstacles and few are able to complete the journey unscathed .
3 Never file nails from centre to sides — always file in one direction only , from side to centre .
4 Use a fine emery board to shape the nails into rounded ovals , filing from side to centre in one direction only .
5 Our head rails were washed away and our water casks drove en masse from side to midships .
6 The ‘ too fast ’ signal is made by yawing from side to side .
7 The Duke held his branch still higher , waving it slowly from side to side , and the piper started a long , echoing note on his drone .
8 Images kept on coming at me which , like a crazy horse , I tried to resist , defiantly tossing my head high , but each new picture flashing into my mind enraged me more and more and I shook my head frantically from side to side .
9 He pulled on his trousers and went quickly over to turn up the music , moving his head from side to side in time to the beat .
10 He was still conscious and was moaning loudly , his head moving from side to side .
11 The German stopped moving his head from side to side and looked at me .
12 He had started moaning again and moving his head from side to side .
13 The Captain looks constantly from side to side , ready to react to anything suspicious .
14 ‘ Hit it , ’ he said , seizing el grip with a painful vice and swinging it from side to side .
15 The curds are then cut with a curd knife , from top to bottom and from side to side , and , after a short time , the curd sinks to the bottom of the vat and the whey rises .
16 Muscle cramps can be relieved , and the animal 's sense of balance restored , by rocking a stranded dolphin or whale from side to side as the tide comes in , just before its refloating .
17 Here one of them sacrifices for the other : both have trouble falling asleep , and their partner 's noisy breath wakes them ; so they wriggle towards the edge of the bed , leaving a broad space down the middle ; they pretend to be sound asleep , in the hope of making sleep easier for their partner , who will then be able to turn from side to side without disturbing the other .
18 Head clasped in hands , he sprawled on the bed , gasping for air , as the room swayed crazily from side to side .
19 The first glimpse of Montserrat is always deeply moving as it begins to rise like a vast ragged curtain on the evening horizon , mysterious and slightly sinister in its grandeur as it looms ever nearer in Goya-like menace , shifting from side to side of the bus until it vanishes behind us .
20 The powerful driving fist of the surging tide was cuffing him off balance : he was rocked from side to side as it rose and fell .
21 She was still shaking her head from side to side and laughing softly when she shooed him from the kitchen and returned her attention to her magazine .
22 Her long hair was pulled through its centre to spring from her crown like a pony-tail that swished from side to side as she moved .
23 She had recently killed some of Buddie 's hens and turkeys by gripping their necks between her teeth and shaking them violently from side to side before throwing them into the air .
24 His mouth was wet and his eyes were still flicking from side to side .
25 Other repetitive abnormal behaviour exhibited by deprived horses includes swinging the head and neck up and down , or from side to side , and the extension of this habit into the stable vice of weaving .
26 The weaving horse not only swings its head and neck , but also the front end of its body from side to side .
27 So the weaver rocks from side to side in the float as it is transported down the road , the cribber latches on to a fence post between mouthfuls of food , and the wind-sucker , out in a large paddock with other horses , may prefer to swallow air rather than eat the grass .
28 The lights in the ceiling came on without fuss and illuminated the ancient brick walls and the weathered old grey beams which crossed from side to side , holding up the planks of the floor above : holding up the planks , except where the hole was .
29 As they crawl , they wave their heads from side to side .
30 The bill is shaken laterally , it is lowered into the water and raised suddenly to lift a plume of water , the bird rises vertically in the water , and it then settles again and shakes its tail from side to side .
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