Example sentences of "[prep] order make [art] " in BNC.

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1 Above all , the article addresses the issue of how sufficient , varied , a responsive services may be generated in order to make a reality of community care .
2 They should discuss the themes , settings , characters and literary styles of the texts in order to make a personal response to them .
3 It seemed that Morrissey was asserting his power over the media in order to make a point .
4 You need to be aware of all the possibilities in order to make a realistic decision about the best way of securing your long-term employment and financial position .
5 The focus is therefore upon the services provided , but with an allowance made at the end for average housing and personal living costs , in order to make a sensible comparison between people living at home and those in institutions .
6 In order to make this analysis meaningful we have used the findings reported in Chapter Four in order to make a prediction about whether or not clients would have been at home had they not been supported by the Home Support Project .
7 They are often organised and structured in the interests of influential and powerful bodies in order to make a particular point , perhaps to make a case for more money or resources , or to show a particular body or organisation in a good light .
8 The basic principle of the UGIX design is that in order to make a GIS easy to use the process of making a database enquiry , plotting a map or carrying out spatial analysis must be broken down into manageable parts , linked by a pathway for the user to follow .
9 In addition , many local people , regarding the environment as something to be exploited in order to make a living whether as a farmer or as a fisherman , had little sympathy for the idea of landscape protection or conservation .
10 When the controller of a space rocket said recently that the team were going to decide what to do next , he expressed the thought as , ‘ We will evaluate the situation in order to make a determination . ’
11 In order to make a little extra money , the most inventive composer of his time was reduced to making arrangements of earlier music , especially Handel 's , for concerts sponsored by Baron van Swieten .
12 At other times it is more effective to ignore history and etymology in order to make a feminist point .
13 After its sortie to Karlsruhe on February 2/3 , Sugar was ‘ rested ’ for six weeks in order to make a goodwill tour of US 8th Air Force bases in England .
14 It might perhaps have done so had Franco not delayed his assault in order to make a detour eastwards to Toledo .
15 You will need support from a trained counsellor at either a voluntary organisation like The Terrence Higgins Trust or a sexually transmitted disease clinic , in order to make a good informed decision .
16 For reasons that will become apparent I hesitated in order to make a true and careful answer , and Richard jumped in with ‘ He did n't adopt me ; I adopted him . ’
17 In order to make a weekly sum of money even dimly visible to the naked eye , she had to translate fifty pages a week , a drudgery she tried to regard as ineluctable as brushing her teeth or washing the kitchen floor .
18 In order to make a success of study , you need to learn how to manage your time .
19 In order to make a success of your business career you need to be prepared to work hard at oral skills .
20 Sir Samuel Hoare was very keen , and in 1937 he insisted on leaving the Admiralty in order to make a great feature of prison reform .
21 If a group is asked , for example , to select what they think are the most exciting , or the saddest , or the most mysterious passages , they will willingly read and re-read in order to make a programme of those passages for the rest of the class , or for younger children .
22 Sometimes a home visit is planned , for example by the physiotherapist , in order to make a realistic assessment .
23 Steel-Maitland was running Central Office like a business enterprise , not in order to make a political point , but because it was as natural to him as it had been foreign to Percival Hughes .
24 But it was a time when the boy and his mother , who lived in a little cottage just outside the town , had to earn their living from growing their own vegetables and doing what they could to help other people in order to make a living .
25 Now in order to make a prediction of what say what 's going to happen this year I would have to know the state of the system of the ocean and the atmosphere on January first and in order to do that in an ideal world I would have a tremendous amount of data about the ocean and about the atmosphere and be able to put it into this model but this data , by and large , does n't exist .
26 All we need , in order to make a good indirect observation of something , is a learnable correlation between it and something else which we can observe directly .
27 He knew that , in order to make a success of the farming business , he had to make sure they produced a large number of healthy lambs .
28 Of the plays , Macbeth appears to have received his greatest attention , and , in 1745 , while still in his thirties and making his literary way , he produced his ‘ Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth ’ , which begins : ‘ In order to make a true estimate of the abilities and merit of a writer it is always necessary to examine the genius of his age and the opinions of his contemporaries . ’
29 So gilt traders actually s buy and sell gilts in order to make a profit .
30 It 's a ca case of gross exaggeration in order to make a point , and parables are full of that .
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