Example sentences of "[prep] all the power " in BNC.

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1 Defoe proclaimed that ‘ to be Masters of the Marine Power is to be Masters of all the Power and all the Commerce in Europe ’ .
2 The most modern of all the power units available in the Clio range , the 1.8-litre engine offers relaxed performance and delightful driving flexibility .
3 The Chinese parliament has voted in favour of the controversial Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze river , the biggest hydro-electric project in the world , which will be capable of generating one-eighth of all the power now produced in China .
4 ‘ ISIS allows for all the power benefits of widebody rackets , but it also adds a medical advantage that is a distinct benefit no matter what level of player you are , ’ says Haines .
5 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
6 Steering is largely done by one of the sailors sheeting out , for instance , if the back sail is depowered the board will bear away with all the power still on at the front .
7 They watched with detachment , and even with satisfaction , as the Masai began at the eleventh hour to organize themselves to resist what they feared would be the encroachment of agricultural peoples on their land , not as traditional appendages of the Masai way of life , but as conquerors armed with all the power of the modern state .
8 If he makes it , manager Howard Wilkinson 's only problem is who to name alongside Lee Chapman up front — Rod Wallace or Eric Cantona — as he prepares to stun Rangers with all the power of Leeds ' attacking force .
9 Definitely conforming to the notion of a great , late period , these works , executed in Venice , Switzerland , the Italian Lakes and elsewhere , are painted with all the power and expression of the late oils .
10 Once he pulled the nose down , with all the power on one side and the drag on the other , the plane would simply flip on to its back and crash .
11 Professional/client relationships were thus inevitably one-sided with all the power and knowledge ( at least that which was perceived as relevant ) resting with the medical profession .
12 Jefferson criticized the Virginia constitution for being too unified , with all the power concentrated in the legislature .
13 She lashed out with her right foot , driving it into Benton 's groin with all the power she could muster .
14 After all , they 're the ones with all the power and riches .
15 For in practice there was little validity in the distinction : the nationalist pursued not culture but power , and above all the power of the State , which , once won , it was thought , would then protect a national culture .
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