Example sentences of "[prep] withdraw from the " in BNC.

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1 From the liberal wing of the Ukrainian Communist Party , Fokin was regarded as a compromise candidate and was elected unopposed in the third ballot ( he had re-entered the contest after withdrawing from the second ballot ) , after the communist hardliners ' candidate , Aleksandr Bulyanda , had been persuaded to stand down .
2 There remains a further consequence of the Institution 's policy of withdrawing from the examination process .
3 He was a known quantity whose devotion to the Soviet Union was unquestioned ; he would never countenance a multi-party system ; he , unlike Nagy , had no intention of withdrawing from the WTO .
4 If they ca n't get sufficient profit out of supplying gas in the U K I think British Gas is on the verge of withdrawing from the gas market in the U K , and that a lot of jobs in this country and I think we ought to be aware of that and I think we ought to be campaigning to make sure that does n't happen .
5 John Paton. as General Secretary , pointed to the organizational hazards of withdrawing from the Labour Party : The practical difficulties of maintaining and developing the organisation outside the Labour Party were enormous and it might be that it would involve a risk of the complete disintegration of the ILP .
6 In particular , Germany was thought to be considering withdrawing from the European jet fighter project , in which it was engaged with France and Italy , while the UK was seeking confirmation that development of a military helicopter by the UK manufacturer Westland and an Italian manufacturer would proceed as planned .
7 The Shamir administration refrained , however , from challenging for the time being the apparent PLO involvement with the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation , nor did it decide to use this as grounds for withdrawing from the conference .
8 If you feel like withdrawing from the hurly burly and being reclusive , then do so and take this opportunity to recharge your batteries , and your energy will return soon .
9 His father , he said , had the right to make decisions of that kind , and perhaps he was aware of the long-term economic loss he would suffer from withdrawing from the joint enterprise .
10 Privatization should not be seen as the signal for the government to withdrawn from the economy entirely .
11 Government troops had been landed on the north coast of Bougainville in April 1991 for the first time since being forced to withdrew from the territory in 1990 .
12 This appears to be the first contradiction which the bishops later sought to resolve by withdrawing from the direct contact method .
13 By withdrawing from the game he reveals the relativity and fragility of the play-world in which he had temporarily shut himself with others .
14 The Northampton wing began the autumn by withdrawing from the England team to play Leicester with a knee injury that needed surgery .
15 They would like to extract a declaration of intent , making it clear that , when the time comes , Israel will indeed implement Resolution 242 by withdrawing from the occupied lands .
16 The dispute had begun in April 1989 when Pittston announced that it intended to cut costs by withdrawing from the Association of Coalmine Operators , the body responsible for negotiating labour contracts with the UMW on an industry-wide basis and for providing health and pension benefits .
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