Example sentences of "[prep] exclude [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 But Shallis argues that this is hardly surprising , because its very terms of thought are such as to exclude it from the content of all discussion , at the very outset .
2 Increasingly they felt German education to be a way of excluding them from the experience of industrial and urban life , from the totality of modernisation .
3 But as he was brought in six months later when Curzon died , age was hardly a reason for excluding him from an office without portfolio in 1924 .
4 In other words , women 's caring responsibilities are being used as a ground for excluding them from benefits .
5 whether the subsidiary undertaking is included in the consolidation and , if not , give reasons for excluding it from consolidation
6 You say as I understand it that er the possible er use of this land as a strategic reserve is not the main reason er for excluding it from the greenbelt .
7 This mutation takes two forms , which have little or nothing in common except the need or desire to control state policy : national separatism and national xenophobia , which means being against foreigners by setting up ‘ our ’ own state , and being against them by excluding them from ‘ our ’ already existing state .
8 Lord Crowther-Hunt , who has had experience both as a policy adviser and a minister , records in his book , The Civil Servants , that the permanent staff tended to isolate advisers by excluding them from official committees and by reducing the information available to them .
9 Restrictions on short selling particular shares can be circumvented by excluding them from the arbitrage portfolio , and the small number of transactions required both lowers transactions costs and increases the speed of the arbitrage transaction .
10 The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it illegal for an LEA or governors to discriminate on the grounds of colour , race , ethnic or national origins or nationality against a pupil — ‘ by excluding him from the establishment or subjecting him to any other detriment ’ ( section 17(c) ( ii ) ) .
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