Example sentences of "[prep] turn [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Every hour the assistant on duty had to read the instruments , make a note of the wind speed and direction , the visibility , the cloud , precipitation ( if any ) , and whether the barometer was rising or falling , and then stand by to teletype the details in code to Group Headquarters , who in turn would transmit it to Bomber Command .
2 This in turn would create growth and thus employment , and also help industry to withstand the economic challenges posed by the United States , Japan and the East Asian countries .
3 Over the past six months or so you appear to have taken a leaf out of the Aquarian book and aired your grievances in such a manner that you now face the possibility of a complete break from the past , which in turn would alter so much you have built up and established over the years .
4 Scarlet admitted that if this was not precisely the case , there was yet room for considering it probable : she had often found difficulty in summoning the aid of the force , being directed by a controller to different stations which in turn would advise her to try elsewhere .
5 This in turn would bless the mission and its master .
6 The resulting bloom would then allow abnormally high numbers of planktonic starfish larvae to survive ; which in turn would give rise to a huge population of predatory adults .
7 This in turn would mean shifting Catholics into these wards .
8 There are , moreover , reasons for expecting an attack upon the Reeve , which in turn would mean that it is not solely his unsuccessful pre-emptive strike that establishes a state of enmity between these two characters .
9 This could only be averted by unrestricted use of submarine warfare , which in turn would bring an enraged United States into the conflict .
10 This would raise the pH within the antrum mucus layer , which in turn would prevent inhibition of gastrin release through a feedback mediated mechanism by low intragastric acidity .
11 At this point you might feel like going out to shoot your mother and father , and they in turn would feel like shooting their parents , but this is n't a very practical solution !
12 That in turn would generate further invitations .
13 Once the syndicate was formed and terms agreed , the borrower would sell the bonds to the managing group , which in turn would sell them direct to the underwriters or the selling group , who in turn would distribute the bonds to the public .
14 But there can not be an infinite series of causes stretching back endlessly ; for in that case , no matter how far back we were to look , we should never find a beginning of the whole process , and that in turn would make it quite impossible to understand how it could ever have got off the ground , let alone reached its present state .
15 In the neo-classical system , this excess supply would cause a lower wage and price level to be established and this deflation in turn would shift the IS curve back to the right ( because of the real balance effect ) and the LM curve to the right ( as the real money supply rises ) until the full employment level of income were restored .
16 Rachaela did not say she would leave the child alone as much as possible and that she in turn would expect to be left alone .
17 The R Y A does n't need an enormous subscription income and so if we could increase personal membership to say four hundred and eighty thousand , which happens to be the aggregate membership of our member clubs , this could be at a very much lower individual subscription and this in turn would facilitate selling membership to the nearly two million yachts persons who are not members of clubs .
18 The NZRFU rather prides itself on its official-player liaison , of treating its players handsomely , and it rather hopes that they in turn would treat the NZRFU with courtesy , if not affection .
19 The general decline in the level of money wages would lead to reductions in real wages , which in turn would encourage employers to hire more workers .
20 Conservative leaders claimed that by curbing the growth in public spending they would create the headroom for tax reductions which in turn would provide incentives and liberate the entrepreneurial energies of the British people .
21 People would address the beat policeman by name or else as ‘ sir ’ , while he in turn would have a ‘ Good morning ’ for everyone encountered …
22 That in turn would have necessitated the appointment of enough peers of the Liberal persuasion to acquiesce in abolition .
23 The problem with capitalism was not that it would fall , but that it would continue its remarkable success in raising real output and real consumption per capita , which in turn would have the effects of undermining those very social institutions on which its success depended , and creating a civilisation hostile to its continued existence .
24 Spokespeople or representatives had constantly to justify their activities and statements to committees , which in turn would have to report back to steering groups and working parties elected by conferences and regional groups .
25 But conversely , the failure of these mechanisms would explain the emergence of new production relations , which in turn would have consequences for other aspects of society .
26 First , in some models , income is distinguished by source on the grounds that different sorts of incomes are received by different sorts of persons and they in turn would have different propensities to consume .
27 The retailer in turn would have an action for breach of contract against the wholesaler and the wholesaler against the manufacturer .
28 If they had done so , the economy would have retained a much fuller utilization of capacity , which in turn would have increased the companies ' profits ( from 1957 to 1963 the capacity utilization rate in manufacturing averaged only 80.5 per cent , nearly 12 per cent less than the peak achieved in 1966 ) .
29 Once the syndicate was formed and terms agreed , the borrower would sell the bonds to the managing group , which in turn would sell them direct to the underwriters or the selling group , who in turn would distribute the bonds to the public .
30 The constitution guaranteed that church-state relations would remain difficult and that this in turn would imperil Spain 's democratic experiment .
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