Example sentences of "[prep] force [pers pn] into " in BNC.

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1 For instance , if you were given , say , poetry , and you could n't get on with it , he would n't sort of force you into it , he 'd sort of talk it over and find out why you did n't like it , could n't get on with it , and then he 'd put you on to something else you did like …
2 She ca n't help her personality — if she 's a shy child , then there 's no point in forcing her into situations which make her feel uncomfortable and uneasy .
3 The man ordered her out of the car at Farley Mount and then bound her 23-year-old boyfriend before forcing him into the car 's boot .
4 The man ordered her out of the car at Farley Mount late on Tuesday night and then bound her 23year-old boyfriend before forcing him into the car 's boot , which he locked .
5 It is all geared to forcing us into zero sum games .
6 We are , or should be , much more willing to allow children to enjoy the special world of childhood without forcing them into premature adulthood .
7 Something between 60 and 100 MPs are eager to clip Mrs Thatcher 's wings by staging a show of disaffection or by forcing her into a second round when the first round votes are cast , on December 5 under the most likely timetable .
8 Now the row has burst into the open round the broad shoulders of Monsignor Bruce Kent , threatening to blast the career of that redoubtable cleric by forcing him into an invidious choice between his cloth and his commitment to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ( CND ) .
9 This he would achieve by forcing him into discarding his weapons .
10 And I remembered our last day together when I 'd promised to bring you to the Peacock theatre and robbed you of your heart 's desire by forcing you into my bed instead .
11 a system is abolished only by pushing it into hyperlogic , by forcing it into an excessive practice which is equivalent to a brutal amortization …
12 Iran has , after all , infringed British sovereignty by forcing it into massive protection for one of its own citizens .
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