Example sentences of "[prep] relate [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 This section discusses ELT video materials under these headings as a way of relating them to the roles we can give video in the classroom .
2 When it has done its work there still remains the task of relating it to aspects of the context which are particular and can not of their nature be accounted for in advance .
3 Despite the difficulties of relating it to the archaeology , Bede 's statement about the origins of the Germanic settlers in England is generally accepted .
4 We have so far limited our interpretation of " style " and " stylistics " to match the kind of activity in which we wish to engage : the study of language as used in literary texts , with the aim of relating it to its artistic functions .
5 Erm , we started off with was that , erm , we would just write down any word that came up to our head , in terms of relating it to the story i.e. we thought about memories , and memories Erm , this is gon na match up with your is n't it .
6 Some of them have posited underlying mechanisms of language change to account for this ; some have been more interested in relating it to social realities , treating language as a sort of cultural key rather than as a self-contained system with its own particular dynamic ; others have seen it as their main task to suggest linguistic reforms that will modify or eliminate offensive usages .
7 Since the conventions offer an imperfect guide to the subject at hand , it is necessary to look at some of the other types of sources which are generally recognised as being useful in establishing what the law is , and in relating it to specific situations and technical developments .
8 Even here , however , the separate heading is worth preserving , since modern style-studies can and do content themselves with the mere description of distinctive linguistic patterns , abstaining not only from relating them to external factors such as authors or literary movements , but also from attributing to them any specific literary function .
9 In practice this often meant that immature minds would take over Leavis 's own evaluations without relating them to their own experience of literature , resulting in the diffusion of callow or inept judgements that has been condemned from the right by C. S. Lewis and from the left by Catherine Belsey .
10 The present nature of housing can not be fully understood without relating it to the nature of domestic labour .
11 It seems that it is impossible — or should be impossible — to discuss any aspect of teachers ' pay , however technical , without relating it to the quality of teachers ' performance and teaching methods .
12 ( 3 ) An observation question asks pupils to describe something without relating it to their knowledge of the situation , e.g. " Describe what is happening in the picture ? "
13 The ecological significance of these precipitation figures in terms of soil moisture may be judged by relating them to the amount of moisture lost through evaporation and transpiration over a given period .
14 We want to lay emphasis on the concept of community education : it represents a whole attitude to education which makes science , maths and all the other subjects students learn , meaningful by relating them to the real experiences of life outside school .
15 The idea , of course is not to elucidate dependent conditionals by relating them to causal statements and the like , but to do just the opposite .
16 At first it might appear simple to unravel a particular doubt by relating it to one of the seven broad categories , but first appearances are deceptive .
17 This involves trying to grasp Marx 's concept not solely by referring to previous conceptions of ideology but by relating it to his analysis of the mode of production .
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