Example sentences of "[prep] tree to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A brick wall about six feet high stretched away into the blackness of trees to right and left .
2 One sign of approaching winter comes from the parties of siskins feeding on catkins of birch seeds , moving from tree to tree in noisy flocks .
3 He spat the stuff from his lips , then began the long difficult scramble up the hillside , hauling himself from tree to tree by clinging to the network of roots growing above ground .
4 In the words of the Irish ballad , the birds they were singing from tree to tree .
5 On my way back to Anastasia , I catch sight of a tree-creeper and watch him flit from tree to tree , scurrying mouse-like up their trunks as though nothing else had ever happened here .
6 She was filled with an overwhelming sense of loss as she wandered from tree to tree , recognising many , feeling herself accused : she had overstayed her welcome in the world .
7 They became highly specialized arboreal forest-dwellers feeding on fruit , moving by brachiating from tree to tree , and living at high densities in food-rich forests where resources are generally constant and predictable .
8 Tall and skinny in his ragged clothes , his skin tanned a deep brown by the sun , stealing from tree to tree in his bare feet .
9 Animals this heavy can not safely leap from tree to tree as smaller animals can .
10 Perhaps , the researchers conclude , it was largely the need to get safely from tree to tree that stimulated the evolution of such a clever ape high up in the trees .
11 He went over to the spot where Allen had hidden , ‘ … and then moved from tree to tree until he reached the path about twenty paces ahead .
12 But this can not be the whole story , for David Rhodes and others have discovered that this communication can even take place from tree to tree , where there is no root or other physical contact .
13 Somewhere out of sight , cicadas filled the air with their high-pitched whirring and , in the distance , a woodpecker shrieked as it swooped from tree to tree in a flash of yellow , green and red .
14 A monkey is a monkey and will move from tree to tree .
15 The background tells more than the people or the happenings : the water-sprinkler on the lawn ; the hateful birds with their ‘ strident and spiteful noises ’ and ‘ those banal exchanges from tree to tree , mockings and bickerings and sudden solo trillings ’ ; the cook with a napkin fastened round her head as if it were a Stilton cheese … .
16 Having lived in Australia for some years and witnessed forest fires , leaping from tree to tree and running along the thin covering of bush and grass , I could enter imaginatively into the prophet 's experience .
17 Unlike their relatives the gibbons , orangs do not leap , though they can swing from tree to tree , a process known as brachiation .
18 In woodlands they can swing from tree to tree or scramble over the treetops to drop to the forest floor below .
19 For the next two hours we flew from tree to tree , grabbing onto creepers to break the fall to the next ancient branch , to land in a pile of ferns and fall on again faster .
20 There were two mechanisms available — the ancient , rather hazardous and capricious method that distributed spores , the wind ; and the newly arrived messenger service , the flying insects , which were now regularly moving from tree to tree , feeding on the leaves and the spores .
21 They swing from tree to tree .
22 Mr Wolski had enjoyed the television news the night before which showed the Curator being interviewed and pictures of the eagle flying from tree to tree and a lot of journalists getting their shoes and trousers muddy .
23 The next day , taking their advice , I climbed to the top of the hill through steep , dense undergrowth , clambering from tree to tree like a demented chimp .
24 Birds dart from tree to tree chattering busily .
25 They crowded the path , uneasy on their uneasy mounts , looking from tree to tree in search of their assailants ; but they kept their hands from their swords .
26 The bowmen slipped backwards from tree to tree , fitting and shooting as they could , the lancers aimed for the men rather than the horses , and brought down three in the first onslaught .
27 The three of them began to creep slowly down the hill , moving from tree to tree , but no more than a few yards at a time .
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