Example sentences of "[prep] send it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once you have seen which publishers might be interested in your novel , you begin the long process of sending it to one after another .
2 instead of sending it through the post at Christmas I thought I 'd bring it .
3 Erm you , you did , you know , you did summarize with what you thought you , you 'd established erm you went through to , to get your second appointment Steve threw , you know , the objection in about sending it in the post and what have you erm er and , and you o you overcame that erm successfully but I think the other thing that , that with , with the ANNA it , it unless you get that authority the rest of it is meaningless because you know you ca n't go on and , and , well you can agree the needs but there 's no way that he 's , he 's gon na agree to do it now or when you go back or , or even perhaps agree on the amount .
4 He had also torn off the copyright mark from the greeting card before sending it to the Italian artisans who made the sculptures .
5 An alternative , where the PC is the source , is to use one of the proprietary conversion routines to change the file into either Word or WordPerfect format before sending it to the Macintosh .
6 Format and print is an excellent utility for adding margins , headers and page numbers to a standard text file before sending it to the printer .
7 In that case have it signed before sending it to the seller 's conveyancer , otherwise you 'll be required to give your undertaking to have it executed after completion , and to supply a copy of the execution to the seller 's conveyancer .
8 Obviously , if your document uses Monotype 's Times New Roman then there 's no earthly point in sending it to a bureau that has n't got the face .
9 If anyone collects old aquarium stuff and they would like to contact me , I 'm willing to sent it to them for the cost of the postage , as it is far too small for any of my set-ups .
10 We still do not have a proper address for Nanking , but I 'll try to sent it to you soon , as I understand a comrade from Nanking is coming to see us here to make arrangements for our visit there .
11 Not only had they sent a tactless cable but , seeing it was 2 am in England , decided to save money by sending it at reduced rates to be delivered when the MCC office opened at 9 am .
12 I detest Alvaro Delgado-Gal , who advocates the return of the painting to France , believing that ‘ the glorious dead should be left in the graveyard where they chose to rest ’ ; Juan Pedro Aparicio , who suggests carrying ‘ Guernica ’ in procession all around Spain in a high speed train ; the old anarchist Carlos Semprón Maura , who protests at the Reina Sofía 's injection of morphine into ‘ Guernica ’ to prolong its deep coma ; Joan Barril , for whom the dilemma posed by moving ‘ Guernica ’ from the shrine of the Buen Retiro to an apartment with freezer in the ‘ Sofidou ’ could be resolved simply by sending it to Sarajevo , Bangkok or Lima , places where its political message would be more relevant .
13 12.1 Any notice , document or request falling to be given or served under this Agreement may be given or served by sending it by registered post or certified mail , postage pre-paid , or by tested telex or facsimile transmission to : in the case of
14 ( 12 ) Any notice required to be given under this Article by the Company to a Member or by a Member to the Company shall be given or served either personally or by sending it by first class post to the registered office of the Company or , as the case may be , to the registered address of the Member or ( if he has no registered address within the United Kingdom ) to the address , if any , within the United Kingdom supplied by him to the Company for the giving of notice to him .
15 ( 12 ) Any notice required to be given under this Article by the Company to a Member or by a Member to the Company shall be given or served either personally or by sending it by first class post to the registered office of the Company or , as the case may be , to the registered address of the Member or ( if he has no registered address within the United Kingdom ) to the address , if any , within the United Kingdom supplied by him to the Company for the giving of notice to him .
16 If he has given no address for service , service may be effected by delivering the document at his residence or by sending it by first class post to his last known residence , or in the case of a proprietor of a business , by delivering the document at his place of business or sending it by first class post to his last known place of business ( Ord 7 , r 1 ) .
17 A summons must be served on a limited company by leaving it at , or by sending it by post to , the registered office pursuant to s 725(1) of the Companies Act , 1985 .
18 Where a company is registered in Scotland a summons may be served on it by leaving it at , or by sending it by post to , its principal place of business in England or Wales addressed to the manager or head officer and by further posting a copy to the registered office ( s 725(2) and ( 3 ) Companies Act 1985 ) .
19 A writ can still be served on a limited company by sending it by first class post to the registered office , but following the Practice Direction ( QBD ) ( Service of Documents : First and Second Class Mail ) ( 1985 ) 8 March [ 1985 ] 1 WLR 489 the presumption will be of service on the second working day after posting by first class post or the fourth working day after posting by second class post .
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