Example sentences of "[prep] least [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 An apparent opportunity for , or at least inclination to , US participation in Vietnamese national affairs as suggested in Saigon was soon to become a recognized imperative in Washington : and when the French ministers arrived in October 1950 to ask how much could be expected from the US to avoid financial disaster it was the drain of resources in Vietnam as much as the problems of French rearmament in Europe which prompted a close examination of French budgetary as well as military plans .
2 Remember the dice will always add at least 2″ to your estimate , and can add up to 10″ , so you should aim a few inches short of your target .
3 In the private sector such considerations as homosexuality , premarital and extra-marital intercourse , adult masturbation and so on , if not " respectable " to everyone , are at least realities to be accepted .
4 It will be given free to any donor of at least £500 to the Magdalen Bridge Appeal Fund .
5 Indeed , OSF expects sales of DCE licences to contribute at least $55m to its coffers in 1994 .
6 John Major 's fate is now in the balance and if he loses the vote on Europe and resigns , dealers reckon we could see shares in freefall with at least £15bn to £20bn wiped off .
7 That most schools give at least lip-service to the importance of this fact is obvious in the development of courses variously titled " study skills " , " library skills " , " information skills " and so on .
8 There should be at least five extra bands taking in properties from at least £650,000 to £20 million and over .
9 Every time , therefore , they met together their aggregate expenses amounted to at least £12 to £15 , or even more " .
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