Example sentences of "[prep] late [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Four fifty million , sorry , four fifty million erm between programme re-orientation and other factors , was an apportionment we made er back in the er first part of nineteen ninety three and in the light of later information I think we would revised that now erm we are still negotiating with the contractors on the revised contract price and we do not have definitive costs yet but in fact the costs increased as a result of the rescheduling of the programme directly should be quite modest .
2 Four fifty million , erm between programme re-orientation and other factors was an apportionment we made back in the er first half of nineteen ninety three and in the light of later information I think we would revise that now erm we are still negotiating with the contractors on the revised contract price and we do not have definitive costs yet but in fact the cost increase as a result of the rescheduling of the programme directly should be quite modest .
3 By purporting to de-interpret them by removing the excrescences of later interpretations it made possible a reinterpretation which allowed mythology to be seen again as something that while still existing on the level of the most civilized and polished communication kept speaking of what it had sprung from — men 's basic needs and desires .
4 And of late years it has been used by the inhabitants of Virginia in many disorders , which are occasioned by thick , sizy blood ; so that the root of this plant , when its virtues are fully known , may become one of the most useful medicines yet discovered .
5 Then for comparison , entertainment and for later examination we offer a more novel approach which apparently uses only irreducibility .
6 If , however , a relatively minor matter is left over for later agreement it does not necessarily follow that there is no contract .
7 They are usually so mild that you wo n't be aware of them , but during late pregnancy they become more noticeable , and are a painless way of preparing the body for labour .
8 ‘ The whole journal appears to have been written in South Africa but he moved to Cape Province , and from later entries it seems he was in contact with Cecil Rhodes … ’
9 In later sections we will consider how to adjust our body clocks to much larger shifts — as after a time-zone transition or during nightwork , for example .
10 In later sections we shall look at alternatives .
11 In later sections I present a fuller discussion of merger .
12 This can cause misunderstanding and conflict when in later life they talk to one another .
13 In later life I was made unnecessarily unhappy by my religious divergence from his position . ’
14 In later life I was lucky enough to be able to afford flying lessons , even though they cost a fortune at £5 an hour !
15 In later life he was fond of Tom Stoppard 's remark about being a bounced Czech .
16 Either way , in later life he looked back on that experience as evidence that dancing could be part of everyday life in a way that it is not for most Europeans .
17 In later life he said that he was terrified of his father and found his mother over-possessive .
18 In later life he expanded this social interest , even attempting to enter Parliament , standing as a candidate for East Worcestershire in 1874 , but his platform , based on proposals to deal with the health problems of prostitution near garrisons and naval establishments , attracted little support .
19 In later life he had to be subsidized by the teetotal movement and lived with his eldest sister .
20 In later life he was an invalid .
21 In later life he seems to have returned to his early interest in astronomy ( on which he had already been writing papers at the age of eighteen ) .
22 Russell was taken up in this for a time , he even wrote wonderful piece on the foundations of geometry couched in erm a sort of vaguely dialectical form , which in later life he erm pronounced as being complete rubbish .
23 In later life it served as a stable , the 16th century structure being initially restored in 1937 and subsequently converted .
24 Presumably it saw service for iron working at some time , although in later life it was used for corn grinding , saw milling , as well as being operated for a time as a maltings .
25 Although mental illness should not be regarded as any different from physical illness , it is not always so viewed by the uninformed and the fact that in later life it might become known that a minor had been treated under the Acts might redound to his or her disadvantage .
26 For Jean Henderson , who entered the trade in the 1890s , it was perhaps , her daughter thinks , the orphanage with its " feminist " matron that urged her to take up what in later life she felt to be an intellectual calling .
27 In later life she suffered much from ill health , and lived largely in retirement .
28 In later chapters we shall see Marxist writers borrowing fundamental theoretical notions , not just from Morgan , but also from others , such as the British anthropologist Taylor , and the German anthropologist Ratzel , and taking on these writers ' simple-minded theories of history in spite of the fact that they were influenced by philosophical positions totally foreign to Marxism .
29 In later chapters we focus on reporting at other stages of the process .
30 In later chapters we will probe the image of harmony in some detail to question whether all Japanese companies display such a high degree of harmony , cooperation or power sharing .
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