Example sentences of "[prep] both the government " in BNC.

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1 Statistics are the life blood of both the Government and economists , as chief end-users .
2 On the part of both the government and the guerrillas , the behaviour is not very good for democracy .
3 This entails a review of the impact of the Scarman Report , and other important policy documents , on the agenda of both the Government and other political institutions .
4 ‘ First , the members of the Media Commission will represent the interests of both the government and the opposition , as well as various professional and sectoral interests .
5 Sir Patrick declared : ‘ It of course remains the firm position of both the Government and the RUC that any ill-treatment of persons in custody is wholly unacceptable . ’
6 In both the government and the opposition press in Morocco , the situation in the Western Sahara was meanwhile becoming increasingly a focus for nationalist commentary .
7 The arrival of two US warships , the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy and the cruiser Virginia , off Colombia 's Caribbean coast on Jan. 7 , without prior agreement between the two countries , had led to accusations from both the government and opposition parties that the USA had violated Colombia 's sovereignty and was intent on an air and sea " blockade " .
8 As my hon. Friend knows , this matter has been discussed quite recently within both the Government and the Home Affairs Select Committee .
9 I would have thought that overreaction would at least be preferable to the apathy currently being shown by both the government and general public alike .
10 ‘ This report surely demands a rethink by both the Government and the senior management of BR of the policies that they have adopted over the last 10 years . ’
11 Secondly , all the groups who are considered to be priorities by both the Government and the Opposition — low-income pensioners , low-income families and disabled people — have benefited significantly from what the Government have done in recent years .
12 This is a strange debate because , although the motions on the Order Paper tabled by both the Government and the official Opposition parties are long on words , they are short on relevance to the vital questions raised by the draft treaties which will be discussed at Maastricht .
13 The House will recall that in the latter part of last year both my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State outlined measures to be taken by both the Government and mortgage lenders with the excellent aim of reducing the level of repossessions that were occurring at that time .
14 On Jan. 14 Richard Goldstone , chair of an independent judicial commission of inquiry established in September 1991 under the terms of the national peace accord [ see p. 38422 ] , said that he had been asked by both the government and the ANC to investigate allegations of SADF complicity in killings in black townships .
15 Earlier , following requests made by both the government and ANC [ see p. 38705 ] , the commission began to investigate allegations of state complicity in the township violence .
16 CLAIMS that Iran 's spiritual leader , Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , had been the target of a bomb attack were denied by both the government and dissident groups last night .
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