Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [art] effect " in BNC.

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1 If this seems to be the cause , resolve in future to spot the effect in your camcorder viewfinder before you press the button so that you can take the necessary action to avoid the fault .
2 Third - and this is true of any chamber music it takes only one indifferent member of an ensemble to weaken the effect of a whole performance .
3 He got a group of people to administer electric shocks to a group of victims in the belief that they were taking part in an experiment to study the effect of punishment on learning .
4 The order in which the techniques were presented to the subjects was varied , in a further attempt to reduce the effect of system unfamiliarity .
5 He agreed to take part in a Liverpool Polytechnic experiment to assess the effect of stress on referees , by monitoring the heartbeat and pulse , taking other factors such as fitness into account .
6 Wickham ( in press ) , in a study of teachers and children in the UK , shows the same problem of the ‘ drop-out ’ of information in teachers ' use of simultaneous communication , Maxwell ( 1983 ) , in a direct attempt to examine the effect of simultaneous communication using MCE on deaf children 's writing , produces the results one might predict from the above and from our preceding discussion of BSL .
7 British Airways staff are fantastic , whatever class you travel , and plied Kenneth with enough booze to soften the effect of two Sun journalists who approached us for a story and picture after we 'd been airborne for about eight hours .
8 For example , we could not set up an experiment to test the effect on young babies of being left in complete isolation , except for being fed regularly .
9 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
10 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
11 The Presidents ' pact also ordered the introduction of full wage indexation to offset the effect of the price rises , rather than the existing system of compensation payments .
12 I glanced at my reflection to admire the effect and then I got my second shock that evening .
13 But you 've got to do the right kind of exercise to get the effect er and again when you come to stamina it 's got to be , you 've got to have a bit of the all round to go with the stamina .
14 What do we have in mind in taking a causal circumstance to explain an effect in the given sense ?
15 ( Arnoult 's ( 1953 , experiment 2 ) , failure to find an effect was probably a consequence of giving too little preliminary training . )
16 The survey also found an increased awareness among employers of the need to tackle the effect of redundancies on remaining staff with 42 per cent reporting increased communication with employees .
17 It needs no great imagination to gauge the effect of all this upon the church 's pastoral mission , particularly when we bear in mind the numbers of royal presentations cited above .
18 It does not take much imagination to understand the effect of a Tornado flying at 250 knots and at 250 ft , on a cavalcade of 200 horses on top of the Border hills .
19 Twenty nine children with Crohn 's disease were studied before and after treatment with steroids or an elemental diet to assess the effect of disease activity and treatment on serum insulin like growth factor I ( IGF-I ) , insulin like growth factor binding protein ( IGFBP-1 ) , and insulin concentrations .
20 Wrap your hair in a hot towel to maximise the effect .
21 A feature of the case is that the trial judge held the bank liable to the wife in damages for its failure to explain the effect of the charge to her .
22 We 've had our jaws frozen with anaesthetic to mimic the effect of having a tooth out .
23 In this study , there was no objective assessment made by endoscopy or any other procedure to record the effect of surgery in terms of healing or otherwise of the oesophagitis .
24 Again there was little chance to recognize the effect this considerable list of bereavements was having on her as she continued to take tranquillizers and look after her young children , often singlehanded .
25 Broad transparent colour was then placed over the top to complete the effect , with minor details added as necessary .
26 This makes difficult the maintenance of a uniform high quality within the textile works and may necessitate careful watch on the raw water to anticipate the effect of changes in composition .
27 We have also included the type of housing tenure of an individual in our sample to capture the effect of housing mobility on the expected duration of unemployment .
28 there are two other problems : the c/k confusion , and the inability to understand the effect of the e-marker .
29 He had lived in the caravan now for just over two years , supported by a research grant from his northern university to study the effect of the Industrial Revolution on the rural industries of East Anglia .
30 Surgeons at Belfast 's Royal Victoria Hospital have had ample opportunity to study the effect of these projectiles .
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