Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [art] following " in BNC.

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1 If your debtor tells you your cheque is in the mail ask the following questions :
2 What I think is more debatable is how successfully the method can in practice avoid the following criticisms .
3 Typical blockages to objective setting include the following :
4 In the late 1980s widely agreed truisms of the world electronics industry include the following :
5 The specific concerns of this bargaining cover the following areas : 1 Concern that the productivity gains from new technology are equitably distributed by improving wage and other benefits , and , as an alternative to job losses , by increasing/diversifying output and reduced working time .
6 The provisions of the 1990 National Health Service and Community Care Act make the following statutory requirements of case managers : ‘ Where it appears to a local authority that any person for whom they may provide or arrange for the provision of community care services may be in need of any such services , the authority ( a ) shall carry out an assessment of his needs for those services and ( b ) having regard to the results of that assessment , shall then decide whether his needs call for the provision by them of any such services . ’
7 Happily by the year end , a match was reported between the Royal Flying Corps and the Club and , although the Corps lost to a Henley scratch team of three ladies and six men , the R.F.C. played a return match the following week .
8 Lotus had another go at four-wheel drive the following year , this time with gas turbine power The dramatically wedged-shaped 56B was a development of the car that had come within a whisker of tinning the 1968 Indy 500 .
9 ‘ I 'm not office-based — I 'll go to court duty one day , a prison visit the next and perhaps a home visit the following day , ’ she says .
10 Commonly-used methods of calculating this depreciation include the following :
11 Action points for the campaign include the following :
12 So if giving credit is more of a habit than a commercial necessity consider the following :
13 However , a report submitted by the Department of Environment to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change the following month , suggested that the UK 's total energy consumption could be cut by as much as 60 per cent over the next 15 years through energy conservation .
14 Hulme did n't get his weekend , and was ordered to train for a third team match the following Wednesday .
15 The datasets supplied by the Census Offices under the Initiative comprise the following : the Small Area Statistics and Local Base Statistics ( SAS/LBS ) , which are sets of tables covering all aspects of the Census in Great Britain , the Special Migration and Special Workplace Statistics , which are matrices dealing with migration and journey to work , a postcode/Enumeration District ( ED ) directory , and digitised boundary data ( compiled by the EDLINE consortium ) corresponding to various geographical zones for which Census data is being released .
16 And was that same person absent the following day ?
17 In the words of a newspaper account the following day , Grundy then asked ‘ a spiky-haired youth ’ to repeat a four-letter word he had used off camera .
18 So the locomotive of change was already rolling powerfully when Lord Hanson made his unwelcome appearance on the share register the following May .
19 Select the application name form the following list and choose okay or press enter , and its DOS editor
20 For the purposes of this present appeal the following propositions can , in our judgment , be stated .
21 A threequarter point base rate cut the following day failed to brake the decline , which bottomed at lunch yesterday below the 18,000 mark .
22 For a second example consider the following assertion about the integers x and y : ( ii ) If unc then unc ( 1 ) .
23 The types of loan/credit arrangement include the following : —
24 The factors which the court will take into account in deciding whether to approve a scheme of arrangement include the following .
25 When applying for a place on a re-entry course keep the following questions in mind so that you can compare what is on offer to your own best advantage .
26 It was significant that , when the war took a grave turn the following year , it was to every Anglican incumbent in the land ( and no doubt to many others , though I can speak only for the parish clergy ) that Duff Cooper , the Home Secretary , sent letters expressing apprehension of the state of public morale and urging the incumbents to do their utmost to help raise it .
27 1 Without using your protractor draw the following angles .
28 ( For this calculation use the following values for the relative atomic masses of the isotopes involved : 5. ( a ) ( i ) Use the basic assumption of the kinetic theory of gases to derive the expression for an ideal gas .
29 Using a PC with a 1.2Mb High Density disk drive try the following experiment .
30 Speculations on the reasons for such a correlation include the following possibilities :
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